Model this: 3D Connexion Space explorer
Finally feeling like I have something respectable. Pretty much the same method as my first attempt, but used more FFD, Fredo Taper & Bend and Dieder's Projections to get the job done. Still need some work on the buttons and I could probably do it again with less segments in my initial bezier splines to make it manageable, plus the "nose" on mine is a bit flat. Unfortunately, I have a corruption in the file and when I try to save it, it crashes sketchup. Decided to do a couple Twilight renders since I may not be able to save the file and I know it's too heavy to use for a render challenge. I'll update the post with new renders when they finish.
Mike, I spent about 4 hours on mine. (twice) If I built it again, I could probably do it in less than an hour, now that I'm over the head scratching.
I think the most difficult thing about this challenge is that we are dealing with a model that is a combination of hard surface and organic shape. I like Pete's approach to model the main skin. Here's some ideas on how to incorporate some hard surface to Pete's SDS skin to make the base.

Adam, I have a new skin, this time I used my actual real world 3D Explorer to get the proportions better, I'd say the shape is pretty close to the real thing now.
The size is not as I model oversised.
great tread
Expanding on my previous method for the base, I felt it didn't have enough curve to it as does the real thing. I used Pete's newest skin and used some extrusions and projections to get the curves needed to run TIG's sweep along rails plugin. I think this is the most effective way I've tried so far and it went really fast. Hope it's helpful to some. Model attached.
@sepo said:
great tread
Why are we talking about tyres Sepo
Guys these are just brilliant - have been keeping an eye on the output - it would take me a week just to get the shape of the main body done. Well done to all
Here's a pretty clean (although heavy) model if anyone wants to play around with it. If someone wants to remake the buttons with TOS that would be great.
looks really great! I prefer to make my version in Modo as I can't really model organic in SU
That's incredible. This has been an excellent challenge and every approach by members has been eye opening.
I've struggled on this one and can make no excuses other than my user level. I'm gonna keep trying but don't think I'll make the grade.
Thanks to those who've invested their time to show others how truly skillful organic modeling is.
I second that Richard - it is incredibly difficult for a newbie like me to even start thinking about how to go about this type of model - but when you see the techniques used by the gurus it inspires you to try difficult shapes and forms - my work is generally boxes and straight lines but I can see that the entourage items can totally change a scene and look forward to developing some pieces to use in future plans.
I can't get over how much the base of this thing looks like a shoe
I had some time so here is my progress.
Tools used the most so far have been the move and scale tools.
The only Ruby was Subdivide and Smooth at the end.
Hey, just to break in for a sec.
Do any of you guys use one of these? And if so, what do you think about them over a mouse?
I got one, I use it all the time, it is not to replace the mouse but rather to compliment it.
I use a mouse with my right hand and explorer with my left hand, together. -
@solo said:
I got one, I use it all the time, it is not to replace the mouse but rather to compliment it.
I use a mouse with my right hand and explorer with my left hand, together.o0
@solo said:
I got one, I use it all the time, it is not to replace the mouse but rather to compliment it.
I use a mouse with my right hand and explorer with my left hand, together.hardcore!
wow ive been following this form the beginning and you have all done really well. the models are exceptional! Ive been using SU for years but always been put off by organics, preferring to do them in max but since joining this site and using the plugins I know its possible. Ive been too busy in uni to have a crack at this but am looking forward to the next 'Model this' as I will have got my webdeisgn out the way by the then!
Well done everybody keep up the good work!
A question to solo: The render that follows your last update what are you using for it, and are the materials applied in SU itself or in a separate program? -
I used Vue for that and yes the materials are applied in SU and then in Vue I add reflection, gloss, bump, etc for the effect.
Okay, for the next model this challenge I was wondering if y'all want a serious organic challenge? or want something less challenging, maybe someone has something in mind.
After this challenge, the next one should be a tennis shoe. We'll just reuse the Space Explorer as the sole.
Pete, I think you should continue to choose complex and hard to build things. I think the more challenging, the more OTB thinking and the more we can push the envelope as a community. Plus new users will learn new thinking and new ways to use new plugins.
@solo said:
I used Vue for that and yes the materials are applied in SU and then in Vue I add reflection, gloss, bump, etc for the effect.
Okay, for the next model this challenge I was wondering if y'all want a serious organic challenge? or want something less challenging, maybe someone has something in mind.
Maybe 2 models
one for pro's and one for newbies
but then again .. I love to see the pro's at work .. and gives me alot of info.
Maybe I am going to buy subdivide and smooth cuz I think it is a must have. -
Or maybe one thing to model, broken into two parts. For example the Space Explorer could have been broken up so that newer users could have modeled the navigation wheel and buttons and more experienced users could have worked on the molded form. Take the best of each and put them together, then everyone can have fun rendering it. Just an idea.