Low Res Maxwell Kitchen test (updated with final)
Architecture Magazine quality, Richard.
This image deserves five exclamation marks!!!!!
Man I've really up there with the big guys now!!!
Thanks mate quite an honour to be awarded 5 exclamations!!!
I am in awe - that is just the dogs danglies!!!!
Just reinforces how far I have to go when you look at my recent post!!
Great work Richard.
Very nice render, and nice choice of materials...
Great. A neat and clever render.
Thanks guys!!!
I made the big mistake of using a very hi res displacement map with the carpet and hi setting for dsiplacement quality which for anyone using unbiased renderers knows this is going to cost!!
My poor laptop is panting now!
Hi Richard... I don't know how I missed this one. It looks very nice...I like it a lot.
As do I.
Richard, congrats for this fantastic image! Maxwell rules!
nice, richard....this great! so crisp.
Richard, this is really beautiful. I need LOTS more practice!
excellent work pal! preety much flawless! how did you go about lighting in the final image? is it same as the first setup?
Hey thank all for the positive comments!
@ Dermot - Mate I hope the scene setup I posted helps somewhat with your own kitchen, one of the beauties of working with Maxwell, Indigo, Fry or soon Thea is support for lighting adjustment during or after rendering. This tends to make lighting a no brainer!! Though some effort / testing was needed to get the panel located and directed where they would have the desired effect!
That said I possibly could have reduced the number of panels as a few were effectively reduced to very low power in the final - though handy to have there just in case!
@ Tianne - (Hmmm, don't think I can say mate here - oh no, oh um, help I'm lost, oh well) Mate as I posted to your tests make those panel lights your friend - though this was my first proper interior I have had the advantage of reading so many posts on the maxwell forums in the past only to realise you just can't get good scene lighting without them. Any real photos of interiors you see in mags have been supported by quite a lot of artificial lighting generally!
@ Oli - Yes mate the lighting is the same with maybe only some minor positional and directional changes to the emitter panels!
Again thanks all for the comments!!