Exporting to DXF/DWG
When attempting to export from sketchup to DWG or DXF in 3D I get an error and "auditreport.txt" generated.
When I try to export the same file as DWG or DXF but 2D I only get a very small portion of it when I open it with a 2D CAD program.Can anyone tell me why?
Thanks in advance
Does this happen on a specific model? Can you post your model?
Hmm it seems that the DWG/DXF exporters can handle only so much data, beyond which nothing gets exported. Thanks for your attempt to help Anssi but I can't post as Intellectual Property presented in the model is sensitive. Thanks for your attempt to help but I fixed the issue by cutting back the amount of data.
Perhaps the advent of windows 7, and therefore more ram, will alleviate this issue somewhat??......