Mr.Jumpman Models (sci-fi)
[size=150]Here are some of my models, i focus on making sci-fi but accasionaly i make some random real models like cars or kitchen appliances, rarely of course.
(the name is below the picture)
Soul of October^
Eclipse Walker^
city gate^
M-80 Legend^
Fat Zuesto see more visit my warehouse account =p
These models are pretty amazing. The flames from the rockets are pure genius!
Thanks for sharing
Pure talent, nice to have you here.
I just downloaded the Soul of October model, and seeing all the detail it has I'm curious... How long did it take from the idea to the finished model?
Right now I'm dissecting your "A-SD 44 Drone" to see how it was done. Your techniques are incredibly clever. You did a complex shape by just push-pulling and scaling a 10-sided circle.
EDIT: It seems that for other pars you "followme'd" a profile drawn on the side of a polygonal prism. All around the model there's pure beauty in execution; it's very well organized.
Awesome man, weren't you already on this forum?
Haven't seen you in a while. -
Brilliant, and awesome, very well modeled, thanks for sharing hope to see much more from you ...keep it up
it strikes me a little strange that people of this caliber model with SU. wouldn't Modo or Max or something be alot more suited to your needs?
unleash more potential?
forgive my ignorancebut i know from experience that SU is not that well suited to this stuff. although this obviously can't be proven through your work.
anyway hats off to you, i wish to one day gain half your ability.
Havent seen any of your work for a long time and its still mad as ever lol. You ever going to render some of your stuff? Ahh anyway always been meaning to ask you do you have the original model file of my version of this model?
I lost it in a HD crash and wanted to give it a makeover for my animation project. You probably havent still got it, was years ago wasnt it!"it strikes me a little strange that people of this caliber model with SU. wouldn't Modo or Max or something be alot more suited to your needs?
unleash more potential?
forgive my ignorancebut i know from experience that SU is not that well suited to this stuff. although this obviously can't be proven through your work.
anyway hats off to you, i wish to one day gain half your ability."
Yeah I suppose thats true but SU is free and max is very expensive, especially for us young'ins. SU has more potential than people give it credit for, and its super quick to model. Not only that but all the amazing plugins available here make it a tool to be reckoned with.
@liam887 said:
Yeah I suppose thats true but SU is free and max is very expensive, especially for us young'ins. SU has more potential than people give it credit for, and its super quick to model. Not only that but all the amazing plugins available here make it a tool to be reckoned with.
Ditto, that's about the same argument i give every time someone says i need to use another app., among others, plus the force choke.
Excellent models
But SU is not exactly a free app, not the best for this kind of modeling too. Blender is free and as a modeler and UV tex editor it just rocks. Better than max IMO. It exports very clean 3ds actually. So SU for architectural modeling, blender for all the other, zbrush for quality details, gimp for PP, = 500 euros. Some nice free render engines too. Who needs max? cinema4d? maya? vray? Great apps but you have to pay over 5000 euros. (not so great actually). Some more respect on free apps please. -
I'll try to prevent a war over a word: By free, Michalis means freedom. Google SketchUp is "free" as in free beer but not "free" as in freedom, because you can't access the source code, change it and redistribute it.
that City Gate image made me sit up in my chair! whoa! great work! depth and motion achieved quite well!
very nice renderings... these ARE renderings IMHO... maybe they are not 'photo-realistic' but they are very very well done... a pleasing modern-comic book style
I also like the Fat Zeus model/image very much.
No I dont think these are rendering, correct me if im wrong jump man, I think they are just 2D exports straight form SU making them even more impressve!
Cheeky bugger. You didn't tell me that you'd put these on here.
Very nice models, wow, amazing, blah blah blah, I've already told you all this...
He he. Keep up the great work Joe