Sketchyphysics vehicles rendered with Twilight (UPDATE)
That rocks!
@unknownuser said:
I bought SkPhys Years ago
I do not have SP, but I thought it was free, how much is it by the way as the above looks appealing.
Blown away. You know. . .I bought SkPhys Years ago and have never used it. and now with TW in the mix. .. I am just amazed. I guess I oughta give that a try.
You know what is really cool . .. that 4 x 4 does really well considering there's no one behind the wheel!
SP is free. most recent version
@shareck said:
SP is free.
either I have totally lost my memory or I got ripped off. Thanks.
Ah! Memory comes back!
It was SUAnimate I bought. Got SPhys for free.
Whew. . .thought I was going brain numb there for a minute! Please don't tell me SUAnimate is free too, cuz Then I did get ripped off.
wow! never ever imagined this was possible with su... these are ridiculously awesome!
I wanted to have some cars driving in my architectural scenes but it I find Sketchyphysics way too complex to use it for that purpose.
Someone should create a 'for dummies' version that automates the process.
Dropping in moving objects in a scene should become easier.Great animations by the way!
Wow, these really rock! (I like the first one better though - maybe there I cannot see that there is no driver in the car
just dl'd SP on that example alone.
This is f***in' AWESOME !!!
How long the render toke? -
amazing!! the way the tank rocks back and forth when it stops is very realistic!! well done.
the car needs new shocks!!
Hats off to you, Shareck. Vehicles look very "alive".
And if you can write or record a "for dummies" tutorial on car animation... -
....(call my doctor, my jaw won't close)
wow. the way the shocks work in the jeep... great job. I love the way the tires and the tracks hug the terrain.
awesome work, Shareck!
@unknownuser said:
having problems with camera
Twilight has no camera
so not sure where the problem is, it just uses SketchUp scenes as the camera...
then you can set your focal point for that cam with Twilight...but I can give a "Sneak Preview" - Twilight's got a great new view set-up tool that will make setting up DOF in Twilight so simple you may just
and it makes setting up exactly what will be rendered pretty-much fool-proof.
Hi All. Thanks for the comments. To Fletch - the problem with camera i Twilight is the same problem that i pointed on twilight forum a while ago. What it is is the fact that when i have my scenes set up in sketchup and when i play sketchup animation (scenes) the camera transitions are smooth. But when twilight renders the SP animation camera bahaves weird sometime. I don't know why. I thought i figured it out already as i didn't have this problem with other SP renders (for example the Pajero) but it happened again with the Stug. At the beginning at about 6th second the camera moves to the left for about 2 frames. And at the end, at the last SU scene there is no smooth transition, the camera just jumps into position in 1 frame. I didn't setup SP to follow any SP object, nor i set the DOF. I just don't know what i did wrong. I'll render it again, set up the scenes again and see if this happen again. It must be me doing something wrong as i havent heard of anyone else having this type of problems.
@shareck said:
@newone said:
How long the render toke?
It took 23 hrs on a 2ghz core2duo.
Not much at all... mine is core2duo @ 3.2, but overclocked to 3.8... and planning to beat 4GHz
We will more than grateful if you will find some time to make some kind of tutorial, starting with the begining -maybe this could help me (and others) to use SketchyPhysics better; since now I was able just to do pure basic things. -
Shareck, I'm under the impression that this might be the missing piece to make your animations perfect... in your second video the camera seems to be pretty much under control.
Im amazed with this. Both look fantastic, but the tank scene is awesome.