Better Bump Maps
When you playing with cam and light, why not to shoot normal maps -
Thanks guys I've got a bunch of normal map generators.
I think however your maybe missing the point of the exercise here!
As is the normal way of creating bump maps is just to desaturate the image and adjust levels you end up with a map that is actually 90% of the time incorrect. In say a stone wall the normal way would actually push in darker stones, when they actually could be the ones protruding!
As you can see from the centre image (sure the actual technique needs to be developed) it actually gives a close to correct bump map - being that it doesn't just push in the darker areas but actually picks and corrects those areas in the original image that are in shadow as depressed.
@notareal said:
When you playing with cam and light, why not to shoot normal maps for that one mate! I reckon that is something certainly worth trying to work into it!
Ok another test, this time on a gravel texture.
You can see the test with lights it has bought up a lot of detail in the gravel that can be evidenced from the colour map but not reflected in the normal method of producing a bump from the original colour map.
Original colour map
Normal method of producing bump map
Test with lights accross surface
And possibly a better one!
pretty impressive results, richard.... especially the wood... you'd never even guess that that grain was present based on the photo.
I had a chance to mess with this concept. I too was hoping for a one touch action solution that would produce these results, but it feels like each image will need the spotlights adjusted a little to get the most detail.
Here's one I was playing around with.
Adam, believe it or not but I have a project starting next week where the above texture is exactly what I need, talk about timing...
Thanks a bunch.
@earthmover said:
I too was hoping for a one touch action solution that would produce these results, but it feels like each image will need the spotlights adjusted a little to get the most detail.
yeah, that'd be great if it were as simple as setting up an Action sequence in pshop...
Sorry not so seamless. Seamless (almost) is a difficult thing.