Detail drawing cross-references
It would be nice if we could have self-maintaining cross-references for detail drawings.
I think we'd need
page number sort of entities that increment for each page (pretty useful for plain old page numbering too)
a way to copy a reference to the page number and then paste it into a detail call-out block
drawing number entities that increment for each drawing on a page (sounds like a subclass of the thing for page numbering to me)
a way to copy/paste references to the drawing number (hmm, seems familiar)Thus armed, I could drop a LO drawing call-out block from the scrapbook onto my main drawing and it would probably have the cross-ref details blank. I find the relevant detail drawing (whether on the same page or not) and drop a suitable drawing title block in place. Then by some neat method I link the two; maybe a simple 'copy ref' context menu option on the call-out block and a paste to match for the title block. Maybe some nice drag action from either item and drop on the other would work? Obviously things should just work if you move the detail drawing to another page or delete one etc.
Next week would do...