WebDialog.new Documented
Alternate to the API docs, with help. This is for PC:
title - string - This text will appear in the title bar of your WebDialog
scrollable - boolean - This is a NOP. You get scrollbars, regardless. Workaround: <body scroll=no>.
key - string - If this is nil or an empty string, your dialog's size/location is stored in "HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Google/SketchUp7/WebDialog_". You should definitely include here the name of your Ruby, which will be concatenated:
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Google/SketchUp7/WebDialog_MyRuby"width, height, left, top - integers - size/location, in pixels, of the first appearance of your WebDialog. All subsequent appearances will be taken from the registry entry.
resizeable - boolean - if false, your user cannot resize the dialog. Defaults to true, if omitted.
Edited to include help from Thomas Thomassen and Jim Foltz. Thanks guys!
@martinrinehart said:
boolean - (This appears in Lininger's article re Ruby-JS communication. Anyone have a clue what this does?)
resizable, I think?
@martinrinehart said:
scrollable - boolean - This is a NOP. You get scrollbars, regardless.
<body scroll="no">
Re scrollbars, for IE use the following in the body css
This shows scrollbars if they're needed, otherwise they disappear
Now, how do we bridge the gap between this post and the official docs?
@martinrinehart said:
Now, how do we bridge the gap between this post and the official docs?
I added a link to this thread in this thread http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=17047 which Scott uses to update the docs.
I'll ask Scott if filing bug reports would help him. That way, he would not need to check the thread and just use the bug reporting system he already uses for code.
Good idea - that thread is very long now.
@martinrinehart said:
Now, how do we bridge the gap between this post and the official docs?
Scott says Thomas' thread is "still the best place to report doc errors or contribute examples, etc."
Report Ruby bugs and Ruby documentation issues in this thread .