Component Editing & Glue To Surface
How do you set the Glue to when editing a Component as loose geometry?
I know when you have a component in a model, you can set it to Glue to Any surface, but how about when you open the Component for editing and the Component is no longer a "component", but loose geometry? Can you set it to be a glue-to component in this state?
And I think I just found the answer in the Model Info > File dialog where you can set the File to be a Glue to.
Thanks Jim.
That's precisely where it is BUT:
always make sure that your "loose geometry" is "lying on it's back" i.e. on the red/green plane which is going to be the component's cutting plane with the blue axis "sticking out" of its front.
The "future" insertion point will be the axis origin (and with face me components, this will be the axis of rotation).