3D Construction Modeling, the book by Insitebuilders
Barbara has been watching used copies of our old book “3D Construction Modeling” be offered and sold on Amazon and Google books for as much as $85. Two used copies were recently posted for a new extreme high of $143…!! We have no idea why the book is that valuable to some buyers.The book uses @Last’s old 8hr trial version of V4 and the illustrations are pretty dated in that way, but the general construction modeling process is exactly the same as the ones found in all our books (in fact, construction modeling for MEP systems has been added in our recent update, How a House is Built).
At any rate, this post is a heads up to those who might have an old copy of “3D Construction Modeling” kicking around. You might be interested in helping others trying to find a copy by selling yours via Amazon (for a reasonable price..