Good 3dsMax forums ?
What about 90% of those guys are using Max + Vray. A lot of the other Max forums have more guys who are doing character modeling and game stuff, so it's hard to get good answers about architectural poly modeling.
Also, the best tutorial I have watched on 3DS Max is from Scott Onstott - It's a tutorial strictly for arch viz and it is very clear and precise from start to finish. It's a tad slow and deliberate, but that's what you need when digesting such a monster program.
For Vray for Max, a must see is the VizMasters series on Vray for Architects - You can watch the 2nd module for free.
I think Max get's a bad wrap, but there is a reason it is #1 for Arch Viz. It's fast, reliable, stable and can crunch huge numbers of polys. Can't wait to see what you can do once you wrap your head around it!
Thank you adam.
I wasn't expecting such an elaborate reply, this is great.
Lots to learncheers,
Kwistenbiebel - has a good 3ds Max forum as well.
Merci as well. I am in the same boat as Kwist. The hard part about it is that SU is so easy and fast . . .it's hard not to think . .Man it would take me about 20 secs to model this in SU and it's taken about 20 hours to do the same thing in MAX> yes. . yes. . .Max has a lot more and tools etc etc. .but well.
But I gotta learn it.
I dont know if i mentioned this analogy before in this forum but in SU I can fly pretty well. Yeah, it's a simple single engine four seater but it gets me from A to B pretty well. Now I am in the Cockpit of the 3D MAX Space Shuttle. . .
What are all these buttons? Switches? Dials? I just want to fly from A to B!
Long story Short. . .thanks for the links to the Tuts and stuff.
Chris and David, like I always said, you can run but not hide from Max, sooner or later you will need it, especially when you are required to raise your game.
Max is not an easy learn, there are too many tool choices and too many ways to do the same thing, I suggest taking it very easy at first use only the native tools (forget about plugins and scripts initially until you get the grasp of where everything is located, how to navigate a scene easily and how to use the basics)
I assume you will only really need navigation, UV, lighting and material tools at first, learning Max is like eating a bite at a time.Good luck, it will not be fun initially, then once it clicks and you get it, there is no turning back.
I also like 3dtotal.
They have some good forums, a nice speed modeling challenge every week that gives out GREAT texture and tutorial CD's to the winners. There is also a pretty good tutorial section on the main board there. Lots of pretty good advice there.
There's also this : Haven't watched these myself, though.
[quote="EarthMover"]Also, the best tutorial I have watched on 3DS Max is from Scott Onstott - It's a tutorial strictly for arch viz and it is very clear and precise from start to finish. It's a tad slow and deliberate, but that's what you need when digesting such a monster program./quote]
Onstottt is great. I bought his photoshop tutorials some time ago, and I must say, he knows what he's doing. His stuff ain't cheap, but he really does take you by the hand, and explains things very thoroughly. Well worth the money, in my opinion. (Thanks for the tip, Adam! Might get the Max stuff, for fun.)
Whatever happened to learning C4D, Christ? Not fancy enough?
No problem guys...glad to pass along quality info.
Chris, thanks for the 3Dtotal link. I just spent the last 45 minutes reading through the speed modeling threads. I like the one with the topic of vintage video game systems where the one guys gets busted for cheating. Couldn't help but laugh.
As far as learning Max (and I'm no expert) I would start with learning how the coordinate systems work first. Then learn the difference between Edit Mesh, Edit Poly & Edit Spline and situations when each is effective. What threw me at first was the Material editing and learning how to navigate between the different submaterial categories. Once you figure out that the material window is just a staging area for editing and not indicative of the materials in the scene it makes more sense.
It seems no matter what program I use other than sketchup, the thing I miss the most is the tape measure tool. I wish every program worked with Clines for accuracy.
Oh yeah, another good resource for Max tutorials is For $30 a month you get some really quality tutorials for a boatload of software. Might be the most affordable and well rounded route to take.
3 major sources and are free...
Planet3d.comBoth have great people and lot's of free stuff...
3DAllusions is a good place too.
- is a filipino forum... but if you have some questions 'bout max. a lot of them can help you in lighting speed. the only thing is were use too in talking the local language. but if you are a foreigner were very easy to switch.
this site might help too..
A site dedicated to beginners learning how to use 3DS Max, Maya, etc... Lots of free tutorials and training videos. This site got me into 3d modeling, even though they have nothing on SU.