The queen is hot, so get it on...
Where are you DH? I think it's high time you shared a skp and let someone like solo have a go at a render.
This forum is, after all, a collaboration, n'est pas?
Also, I'd like to play with one, if ya can't rotate ya cant gestate. (Sorry, best I could do but you know what i mean.)Re your last post:
The man said that there are only two kinds of people who don't like pornography; Those that don't know what it is and those that don't know what they're missing.Rings almost true, but there is a third type, typified by my very English ex father in law, the progenitor of three teenage daughters at the time he was accosted in an Egyptian bazzar.
As his wife June tells it, "This person sidled up to Ralph, flashing the lining of his jacket, upon which was pinned numerous salaicious photographs of young women in preposterous poses. 'You wannna to buy the picture?'.
Ralph dismissed the man with the comment, 'Thank you, but no, I get enough of that sort of thing at home.'"
Hi Durant Hapke, I really like your "crystal green persuasion"
It's like a viking futuristic war machine
can you post other views ?
seriously what the hell are you talking about
It's an accquired taste
baz: i meant durant, i dont understand what he's talking about.
mmmh it is like automatic writing i think, It is like looking at an abstract painting , it means nothing , it just suggests .
but that's just my opinion, may be there is a meaning very "sharp" . In that case I don't catch it .
it seems like he speaks in verse haha
@orgelf said:
mmmh it is like automatic writing i think, It is like looking at an abstract painting , it means nothing , it just suggests .
but that's just my opinion, may be there is a meaning very "sharp" . In that case I don't catch it .
Think you've got it there... Abstract thought but missing a direct point, mostly musings from what I gather. It certainly is interesting.
It certainly is, I wasnt being bitchy btw I just didn't understand what was going on!!
nice work though, whatever it means!!
Brothers, and Sisters,
Bring it, and be it.
So, Sam totally spun out on me... Our youthful "shenanigans" are now gone, swallowed unceremoniously by an agitated swamp.
And actually, I am back from a road trip to the south, a place of swamps and screaming razor blade bugs, and primitive Jack bird reptiles.
And that would be "Buck Jack Blood Birds."
In the end, way to much nature there in Baton Rough, it seems to be a bit to thick for me.
So Samantha and I didn't really plan to end up there looking across bowls of gumbo at one another... Backs dusted with bathroom scouring powder... That action can give you a nasty rash... And it tastes as chemistry set as anything that's ever set foot in my mouth... But that's all for another day... She is still there... I am returning to digits and pixels.
And of course the Cat and the Fiddle.
Bring that, and pour me five.
Oh, back to gators -- I found out from this Jack down there, this dude who was in town buying paint for a boat house -- some scary dark shadow boondocks action -- this dude said alligators are amplifiers for negative "self constructs" -- negative self image -- same deal.
This leather skinned out back player said he'd spent a lot of time with the watery reptiles and that one needed to not be alone with them, and not look to long or deep into their eyes... He said one cigarette worth of staring is twice to long.
Apparently, your image goes into an eye, and then is amplified all impure, and then projected back at your action, and boom, your feel unappealing -- you are no magnet of action, you are just a sad bag of walking flesh.
And that got me thinking about discontent and how we secretly fight that Jack bird on the way into the studio or at night in our beds while we pretend to be asleep next to our Samanthas -- when inside -- inside we want to be a turn on to her -- we want to get laied and be the best at such -- this secret construct of wanting to get it on is seen complete and clear from some floating shadow Jack head eating alligators...
"Never have chick sex within the view of reptiles," this warning sounds worth keeping around... I like the way he said, "chick sex..."
Have been messing with the HS action... I'm feeling a burst of anti--sit up and get all complacent action building.
I dig the slam dance of that "little cubes of photo coming into view" action, but it needs some taming -- some baboon shader action.
Oh, and I'm developing a new notion a HGBD -- a "Hyperbolic Gland Bug Diagram" -- that might lead me to put some action together on old school paper, or what not.
So, bring the cold cuts and let us get it on beer and sandwich style.
Bite the Earl, the Earls of the fine meats and aged cheese.
And lots of brown bottles.
Durant "no grays in LA" Hapke
Damn Durant it's been a while. Great stuff. Welcome back.
Brothers and Sisters,
Bring it.
A bit of a render about the underworld.
I've been dealing with so many thoughts lately about archetypes and such, and it's been kind of leading me into this "underworld" kind of a vibe.
I'm thinking it's not like "hell," rather more like a bunch of interesting caves and a bunch of strange Baton Rouge like kinds of weird animal action.
And, of course, there is nothing weirder then nature, you just have to Jack bird hand that action over to the evolution of this bulb we live on, it's a crazy bunch of crazy here.
I was thinking about all that stuff inside us -- well, I was actually reading this book called "humans have shadows in a bag," or "a little book on the human bag," or maybe it's a "shadow book of a bag..." I think that might be it -- Anyway, I was thinking about all the Jack action we keep inside us, questions and feelings that we just can't seem to get out on the table.
I have these, kinds of fish -- Idea Fish -- the big and little "IFs" -- swimming around inside me all the time, and I want them to be able to find their voice, I feel they may be some of the best things about me, but I can't bring them up from the underworld.
So very strange.
Durant "well cover" Hapke
seriously dude drugs are bad haha
nice scribbles
@unknownuser said:
Sorry but, I have no idea what you are on about. Can I get a translation please?
Depends on your willingness to try peyote.
Olishea of blasting eye shades,
Flip on the fire and weld fantastic!
No Jack bird reason to be all playing "I'm not on the radio..."
Your all about my action, and I do appreciate such.
Been thinking about how so often "drugs" are thrown into the dialog when creative and/or personal vision is out on view.
Not sure about such...
I've had my run in with all manner of "abusers" and they tent to be not all that slam action "on it" or creative... Not that dreamy...
Most are a bit "one way" in their thinking, always looking to "hook up" as it goes...
We all encounter all manner of altered states -- but they are fleeting in most cases... Not foundational, unless your living in with the plants, and animals.
That might be something -- "bring me some gum sap and lets do some sketching..."
I like that notion.
We have all spent a Jack bird amount of time in the studio (that area of my environment devoted to "putting it all together"), diligently working towards some kinky kinked illusive apparatus of insight -- pushing to break from the "map" onto the "territory," and into the true unknown.
It's this process that matters to me, the slam dance of creation, rather then the results.
So, the cards... About four years ago, I'm busting away, chop, chop, chopping at the keyboard, when I lean back in my chair, and say to myself, "you got to get into the Tarot, dude, bring that out, and read that action."
Don't fear the funk.
Bring all the funk.
1158 -- You are reading me fine, keep the dial tuned -- there are gaps, but the transmission never ends.
Bring that as you do, Stinkie, we orbit on!
And we do more.
Durant "I will bring a radio tube" Hapke
Been thinking about how so often "drugs" are thrown into the dialog when creative and/or personal vision is out on view. "totally agree with you .
when people speak in verse you tend to think something is going on lol
I mean do you talk to people verbally like this? didnt think so
but whatever floats your boat i suppose
i understand .
I was answering at Durant about his sentencs , not about the way he wrote in this forum .I don't think he speaks to people like this , well I hope so
it is just that when people look at my works (drawings, paintings 3d) i have this usual question about "drugs" .
and I don't know how my boat floats , but , well , it does
lol it was a joke, it's no reflection on durant's work. I love it, very compelling stuff even though i'm not quite sure what it's about! But i'm sure his process is transparent and explains everything. Imagination (and boredom) is much more powerful than any drug.
i love your work too orgelf, out of this world.