@unknownuser said:
I think part of the answer to this is because these buildings are added to the same thread.
I find a new thread started for each building would get more attention than adding buildings to old threads.Well, i think we must finish with this now
I dont have any problem with the number of comments
I think i have had a lot of comments and has had a lot of attention in the community. Thanks to all!
No problemo!The next building will be in a separate thread, only because is too huge!
The vΓdeos
Edificio 005
Edificio 003
Edificio 002
Edificio 001
I always enjoy your buildings.
Some of them may fit well in a very ambitious projects to design the city of Ank-Morphork, of Discworld (Mundo disco), the novels of Terry Prattchet.
@pichuneke said:
Some of them may fit well in a very ambitious projects to design the city of Ank-Morphork, of Discworld (Mundo disco), the novels of Terry Prattchet.
Oh, my first idea was to make a medieval city with my models (like this, but now i dont have time! Maybe this winter...
@sepo said:
The name Typewriter, AFAIK, comes from fascist period in Italy. It was called by locals as the fully uniform fascist liked to parade up and down the steps. It is facing Piazza Venezia where Musolini was based. As they were dressed in black against white stone and their boots were making klicking noise like keys on typerwriter it gots it's name.
It is quite pompous and odd building which really killed the view over Forums and Capitol.Thanks for the information!
Now i let you the last post about this "Buildings" thread!
See you later!
Wonderful style as usual thanks for sharing!
simple, yet amazing, a good environment would be fantastic!how do you export sketchup textures to max?is it in full hierarchy?
The last images of the... Monumento Nacional de Vittorio Manuele II (Roma)
Edges: 473728
Faces: 240014
Component definitions: 46
Component instances: 360
Groups: 216Bye
@enix said:
simple, yet amazing, a good environment would be fantastic!how do you export sketchup textures to max?is it in full hierarchy?
thanks, rclub24!
enix, you can see here my settings:
thanks for sharing,./=')
@artysmedia said:
@enix said:
simple, yet amazing, a good environment would be fantastic!how do you export sketchup textures to max?is it in full hierarchy?
thanks, rclub24!
enix, you can see here my settings:
oh thanks for sharing tutorial,,,,
Very nice, Roberto.
Can't wait to see the final textured model and render.
@ken28875 said:
Can't wait to see the final textured model and render.
maybe you have not to wait too much
Fachada 06 03 por artysmedia, en Flickr
Fachada 06 04 por artysmedia, en Flickr -
These are great, very inspirational, and exactly what I like to model. Keep up the good work. I will check back reguarly.
@leedeetee said:
These are great, very inspirational, and exactly what I like to model. Keep up the good work. I will check back reguarly.
Thanks leedeetee! See you later!
There will not be a render in VRay sorry. I think is not needed
Only SketchUp:
Fachada 06 05 por artysmedia, en Flickr
Fachada 06 06 por artysmedia, en Flickr -
Great! Do you model them off architectiral drawings or 'guesstimate' by eye? Are they real world examples?