War Scene(Not Graphic)
Good job =Physicsguy=, the model is really clean (Appart for the concrete ground coplanar with the other one, creating trouble for the rendering, but it's not a big issue...).
Here is a quick Artlantis and Photoshop render (I've just changed the trees and grass to polygonal ones, because handeling the alpha is always a trouble in Atl...) -
Looks like it was taken right out of Call of Duty 5 and made better. Very nice job to do that from scratch.
An other call of sketchy screenshot...
WOW! Nice Job, Mr. Wip! Thank You!
Only thing missing is a little blood spatter and some brain matter.
wow! Great model, =Physicsguy=, great textures and rendering and your postrendering is awesome, MrWip.
How did you do the motion blur? Can you achieve it with Artlantis or do I have to boost my near to non-existing skills in Photoshop? -
nice, looks better than call of duty graphics!!
Roger, if you're missing some blood spot, cracked skulls and distant pain screaming, just let me handle a more 'Conan the barbarian' scene and I'll see what I can do for you
Then, Prisoner, Artlantis is able to create a quite good DOF, but (as far as I know...)not a motion blur (or at least not on a fixed image ). Here it's all about post processing (and it is so everywhere...start Photoshop, sorry...). There's a directional blur on the shells, a Photo filter on the global image, a glow on the flame, a vignetting and a motion blur on the whole image...
By the way it's interesting to precise that the second picture is done on the basis of a screenshot of the Artlantis preview. It's not a real render... so it took about 10 sec of calculation (before the post process in photoshop of course). The only issue is the quality of the AA and the limited size of the preview (800x800).
Thanks for the basic instructions MrWip. No way around Photoshop it seems.
@mrwip said:
... By the way it's interesting to precise that the second picture is done on the basis of a screenshot of the Artlantis preview. It's not a real render... so it took about 10 sec of calculation (before the post process in photoshop of course)...
Yeah, that's a way I've been thinking about yesterday, after waiting for some renders that didn't turn out the way I wanted. Good to see this "cheating" in action
@mrwip said:
... The only issue is the quality of the AA and the limited size of the preview (800x800).
BTW, you can increase the preview size in the preferences (up to 1280 for me, don't know if it depends on the screen resolution)
Prisoner, of course it's possible to increase the size of the windows, but actually I've never seen it goes over a 800x800. I'm working with a 24 inches screen, so I will be really happy to make 1920 pix screenshots, but Atl always stopped at 800... if you enter 2000x2000 in the preference, the max size of the preview will be 800x800 and if you put a 2000x1000 you will have a 800x400, No matter if you say 'display / enlarge' or 'fit to window' several times...
But if you have a screenshot of yours I'm interested to see it, and maybe find out the hidden trick ! -
It really does look like a scene from COD5? Thanks! I like the feedback! Maybe i'll do a World War One scene later.
yeah it looks like the cod 5 map "Cliffside" haha
Have a new model. Still working on the textures. I'll try to make a similar scene.
There is the better version. Anyone want to give rendering a try? -
Really AWSOME renders
I updated the new scene. Grass components by Mr. Planet.
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=cb9b25bb52973f91ce2cec85ea6ae00d -
@mrwip said:
...But if you have a screenshot of yours I'm interested to see it, and maybe find out the hidden trick !
Oh, I didn't know there was a problem. For me larger preview works fine. But I don't know about a hidden trick. Just activated 1280 in the preferences, then enlarge and fit works fine. My demo is version
Have a look:
AAahhhhh prisoners, shame on me, shame on me !
I'm working with Atl since three or four years, and I've never take a single look at this preference panel......
So, many thanks for that !