Problem importing 3ds max models into SU
I purchased some Evermotion furniture models that I open in 3DS Max and had hoped to export into SU. However, each time I import the 3dsMax model into SU, the model is exploded. For example, if it's a chair, the arms, the seat and the back of the chair are not in their proper position. Also, some of the poly lines of the mesh are missing.
Has anyone else experienced this problem? How can I import these models?
Had problems with Max in the past when ungrouping/exploding groups would show the same symptoms you are seeing.
I suspect the Evermotion furniture models have a top level group. Try ungrouping/exploding a model and see what happens.I think its something to do with internal transforms. Try Utilities "Reset XForm" on a selected model.
If not, the only other way out I know is to transfer the Evermotion geometry to new geometry.
ie create new geometry (say a box), in the Modify Panel - "Convert to Mesh" and "Attach" Evermotion geometry and delete box geometry.As far as polylines - I assume you mean splines - did a quick check and only closed splines were translated in 3DS Export but unfortunately you get a face within the closed spline.
Thanks Bill. I'll try your suggestions.