Google sketchup + Google wave, wouldn't you guys love that?
could it be??
That would be very cool, but im guessing it's quite unlikely at the moment, as as far as im aware wave can only do collaborative text editing. At a guess id say collaborative model editing would be a little more tricky.
Would certainly be very cool if those clever chaps over at google HQ could do it, though. I can imagine the hours i could spend chatting and modelling, all in glorious real time.
I just read (lost article) that the O3D developers will be (or had already) ported SketchUp to Google's O3D, and O3D will be built into the Chrome browser by the end of the year (no plugins.)
So I believe this does indeed mean Sketchup (or SketchUp clone) will be able to take advantage of whatever this Wave thing has to offer.
I found the article - it's just in the last paragraph they mention SketchUp.
@unknownuser said:
After his presentation, a group of developers surrounded Kokkevis, peppering him with tech-heavy questions. He told me there weren’t any companies creating MMOs in O3D yet, but he raised the possibility that Google might port Sketchup and Google Earth into O3D, “once we become part of the browser.” (Both have been implemented for MMO-related projects.) Still, the debacle with Lively has left in its wake some distrust of Google’s commitment to virtual worlds; one Metaverse U attendee openly challenged Kokkevis on that point: “What makes you sustainable?”
@ modelhead,
Well, it basically means you could have three people working on the same file at the same time, the interface would allow for many users to interact live on the same model! you could be applying materials and someone else could simultaneously be modeling the same file.