Image editing software
Does anyone have recommendations for "poor man's" image editing.
I am thinking of looking at Gimp. Has anyone used it?
How about other possibilities?
there's Paint.Net a free Photoshop-like editor. very useful and capable.
I've used The Gimp. It's very good, but it a separate window for the toolbar and one for the image window. That's massively irritating IMO and one of the major reasons I removed it from my computer.
As well as the already suggested, have a look at artweaver and Project Dogwaffle.
I've used GIMP as well. I think it seems to have the most capabilities but it's a bit tricky to get the hang of. If you can get away with using I'd suggest that as it's easier to work with. However, it does have it's limitations (wish I could remember specifics but it's been awhile since I've used it).
My wife swears by Pro Motion, she started with Amiga's years ago designing carpets, using Deluxe Paint, and when she went freelance we came across this for her pc. Can't find on website if is works with Mac.-shame
Price $78
NB. Just recently she has just shown me how it pick up images as brushes and bend the texture.
All good stuff posted so far, but don't forget there's Inkscape as well:
Inkscape - Draw Freely. | Inkscape
Inkscape is professional vector graphics software which runs on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows desktop computers.
It's more like Corel than Photoshop.
You could try GimpShop - its the Gimp, but with a more photoshop-like interface
A few more listed here too: