Need some guides for the components
is it possible to create a component and at the time of creation ton sellect "glue to any" and "cut oppening" and then somehow edit that component and change those settings?
My problem is that I created a window with glass and I created on the air and not on a wall. whenever I try to place it on a wall the surface of the wall does not disapear and the surface of the glass goes right on it.
I managed to make the component again and sellect the cut oppening, but since I've done that thing on many different components I'd like to know if it's possible to change it somehow easily
Thanx in advance
If you go to your Component browser > In model and right click on any component, you can select "Properties" which will open the exact same window as the one you are in while creating the component. You can make all settings there. Note however that if you change the gluing/cutting plane, the already inserted components, though "inheriting" these changes, may not behave so so you may need to re-insert them.