Render or Real?
Maybe, but I should have asked why you think one or the other?
ah, who am i kidding? You can't beat solo on the subject.
Hard to point out one striking reason, I guess the buildings corner, the lack of real detail on building, tire pressure/weight displacement, atmosphere, etc.
But most of all is the fact that I've done so many renders, seen so many and envolved so long in the industry that you can just spot real from CG straight away.
I have a terrible habit of pointing out CG moments in movies too...bugs my wife. -
honestly, it could be either.. either way though, it's definitely had it's pixels mucked about on a computer..
if it is a photograph, it's been digitally enhanced beyond what i consider straight photography so in that sense, it's a render.
the reason i'd say it's a render is because the right side is too well lit considering the harsh overhead and slightly back lighting.. if that was a photo, the right side of the car (camera right) would be black black.. if there were reflectors or strobes used, we'd see their reflections..
if it's a photograph then yeah, a lot of post processing was done in order to 'fix' it.
But at least Jim managed to work in an excellent Princess Bride reference!
Jim what do we have here in the shadow detail? Is this part of an HDRI or a photographer hiding his own reflection?
Also I would expect a small highlight somewhere on the rim of the license plate if it had any thickness. The tire pressure issue makes sense. The bodywork seams don't have roundness - they are black lines on the surface.
I wouldn't bet the farm, but will go with render.
The tarmac screams render to me. It could do with a bit of displacement. Even allowing for the DoF blur, you'd expect some hint of unevenness and pitting...maybe the odd bit of grit.
def alot to give this one away... like solo said..the lack of detail in the building...the plain sky...
..the number plate definiltey doesnt look right, the asphalt.... also, the tires seem to be in the exact same position as far as the tread...
Considering how everything sits unnaturally 'on' the ground I say it is a render -
DE -
Is there anyone who thought that this was a real photo? I'd doubt that there is.
@marked001 said:
def alot to give this one away... like solo said..the lack of detail in the building...the plain sky...
..the number plate definiltey doesnt look right, the asphalt.... also, the tires seem to be in the exact same position as far as the tread...
The matching position of the hubs would be the giveaway. The tire tread repeats every half inch so, I, at least, would have a hard time telling between a match and a mismatch via tire tread.
too clean
besides if it was a real photo shoot there'd be a chick on the hood! -
Gotta go with render, too. Everything is a little too perfect, too clean. The tires are a good point too, they're made of solid rubber, otherwise they'd be flexed more where the rubber meets the road. Also, some of the lighting/shading in the tread seems a bit odd as well.
Not saying I could do better, as I probably couldn't, but there's loads of sure-fire giveaways that this is a CGI.
To correct most of those modelling and rendering shortcomings would take way more time than it'd be worth for a hobby render, but about 1 minute's photoshopping to adjust gamma, exposure, add a little deformation to the tyres and blur the background and foreground increased the realism considerably... I think.
I think that's a render as well. But there is doubt there.
I say it's a render as well. Check out the bump on the oil drum.
Wow, now that's a good render! Only real giveaways are like Stinkie sais, the bump map/reflection on the oil barrel, the reflection on the hub of the trailer wheel is a little too even and the lighting being a tiny bit too studio-like rather than exterior. Very impressive modelling, texturing, detailing and lighting. If you'd posted that among a few genuine photos and CGIs I doubt I'd be able to out it no matter how long I studied it.
Tire displacement, wall texture, glass, trailer wood texture, drum.