Scenes, Scene Manager
@redinhawaii said:
I have all the scene properties unchecked except camera location and axis location
what am I doing wrong?Maybe that's what you are doing wrong. In this case non of your layers (with hidden stuff and all) are updated of course. Check everything BUT camera location instead. And watch Chris' presentation on using layers, styles and scenes together here (1st quarter f the video):'ll also download your model and have a look.
thanks for the quick reply,
the video is an hour...I will look into it when I have time,
but it seems that this is a basic question, is there a way to "lock" a scene to be what I set it up to be, a plan view of the groups, styles etc as I have set it up, not as some other scene is.
I did try your advice, that did not work either.
red -
@redinhawaii said:
the video is an hour...I will look into it when I have time,
1st quarter only, I told you.
@redinhawaii said:
is there a way to "lock" a scene to be what I set it up to be, a plan view of the groups, styles etc as I have set it up, not as some other scene is.
Sure there is - actually, that would be the "normal" way.
I still haven't been able to look into your file, sorry. Right now I will.
Hi Red, it is as simple as it seems like it should be, once you get the hang of it
Do it like this:
Set up the plan view, turn off all layers and set your styles how you want them. Then add a new scene, and have it remember all information - leave everything checked on.
Now move the camera to the new place you want it set. Adjust all layers and style settings. Then add a new scene. It should prompt you to save a new style if you made any style changes. Choose to save a new style for the new scene if necessary. Now you should have 2 scenes set up wth different vieww, camera, style settings.
Now you should be able to click back and forth between the 2 scenes and they should look just like you set them to look.
To get even more in-depth, I like to set up scenes that only hold style info, and no camera info. And then some scenes that only hold camera info. And then some scenes that only hold layers on and off info. Then you can click on the plan1 scene to go to the correct view for plan1. Then click on style 2 scene, and it updates to style 2, and then click on a layer that turns off the desired layers.
Using multiple scenes that only control one or two things each makes it easy to control the model a little bit better.
Hope that makes sense, I'll try to post a model later when I get home e in a few days,
OK,I can see a big mess in that file. Sorry - not modelling wise but I am not an architect so I have no clue what all those things should be. However when I open the Layers dialog for instance, hide a layer or two and then right click on the scene tab and "Update", those layers remain hidden. This is what I'd expect.
There are a couple of scenes where I can see a whole bunch of (inactive) section planes - these should be hidden IMO otherwise they clutter the scene but I'm not sure what you want with them.
Hi Chris, he doesn't want to watch you performing at GooglePlex! (Believe me, Red, Chris is a real star!
I tried that. Did not get any positive results.
In fact I still got more of the same.and am still quite confused.
"turn all layers off"
I use outliner and layers to control visibility. If I turned all layers off...I would not have anything on the scene....So if I have the floor joists group on its own layer, and I turn that layer off, I should not be able to see that "floor joist" layer.
If I hide a "group" within outliner i.e. the floor joists, make a scene of the Floor Plan, then unhide the floor joists and beams, make a new Scene, a plan view of the Framing Plan, it seems I should be able to easily toggle between the scenes and have the scene show "how the house is to be built" but it does not work that way. I go between the scenes and I get ALL of the unhid items on the floor plan based upon the last scene created.
Why doesn't the visibility feature of "Layers" also work within Scenes, I do the Lower Floor Plan, with the floor beams and floor joists off, and make that a "scene". I then make visible, via the Layers, the floor beams and joists. And make that a "scene". Doesn't it seem that the "scene" would be just what had been represented when it was created as a scene? and that the next "scene" should represent what was saved on that scene, i.e. which layers and outliner group qualities were on. The camera angle is still in "plan view" for both scenes.
But I do not get this ability to show the difference between the scenes as I want to.
I want to show, from a plan view how the house will be constructed....And when I try to check on "scene: properties to update...SU toggles me to different scenes, so that I have to continually reorient back to the Scene I am working on.
red -
thanks for having a look,
It is the most "organized" mess that I can currently come up with as my outliner still crashes even if I have nothing else on or running open. so I have not fully "organized" my organizer.
I appreciate your time, I do hope to figure this out as it seems core to having SU work for me and my needs. It currently does not, maybe I should just quick model and then go to another CAD Program to do the things I want / and need to do.
It seemed SU had promise, but I have hugely invested time into this with limited results.
But the carrot that keeps me going is the results I have seen particularly the renderings.
thanks again.
red -
Scenes should exactly behave as you described. Make a very simple model,please,with only a couple of layers and scenes so that we can go on the steps needed for you to fully understand (that building was too much for me)
Per your request,
here is a new small model.
and it what is hidden in the "mess" that I gotta take out?
I will "simplify" the original plan to see if that works.
One more thought, Red. I haven't checked your model from this point of view but I do honestly hope you haven't assigned any ungrouped ("raw" or "primitive") geometry on any other than Layer 0? Also, you have never changed the active layer to anything else than Layer 0, have you?
Now THAT would make a real mess of your model.
Yup, I agree with Gaieus. It should be working exactly as you describe. The only thing I can think is that you have some mix ups with layers and hidden groups. I don't normally hide groups, so I'm trying to think how that might affect the outcome. But I tihnk that it should not change anything. So test it out on a smaller model and see if you can get the workflow down in something simple first. Then extrapolate onto a more complex model.
Oh, and I was unclear, I meant to say that you should turn off all desired layers, not all layers entirely.
And also, you shouldn't ned to press the update button in the scene creation process. THat is only used when you are trying to change an existing scene really.
When I get out of the hospital (I'll post in the corner bar about that...) I can make a video that shows the process click by click, but that won't be until Friday afternoon at the scoonest.
Good luck, you'll get it. Scenes are really useful once you get them working smoothly,
If you do have raw geometry or geometry inside groups on layers other than zero, TIG has an awesome script to fix that up.
And if you got it to work on a small model, but not on a large, I'd say it sounds like an issue with how you're hiding things.
I hope nothing serious, Chris (you'd be too young for that
Anyway,back to your "light" model. I noticed that there is the primitive geometry on Layer 0 (fine). Then you group it and place the group onto (say) Layer Wall. Still fine. But then why do you make another group (again on layer 0) to put this latter group (on layer wall) inside?
Mixing things like this can eventually lead to some confusion.
Thanks again guys.
"If you do have raw geometry or geometry inside groups on layers other than zero, TIG has an awesome script to fix that up."
okay, how do I get that because that probably is the issue, I just don't know a "time effective" way to do it as I spent most of today trying to sort out a basic issue that I could have done by hand in 1/2 hour...cannot bill my client for this.
Again thanks.
here is my "lite" mess. it still does not want to work within "scenes".
TIG link?
p.s. G, yes the little model had some groups within groups that somehow got there but I did not clean up, I think that most of my bigger model is clean, but then again.... -
Here is the plugin:
let's see (hope) if it helps. -
I found who TIG is,
and I don't quite know how to install a ruby that is "text" that says just drop in the plugin folder, I can do that with a folder with icon but text?
red -
If you download the file (right click on the link and "save as" or similar), it is indeed a text file with a special"rb" extension. Just simply save that text file in that folder and that's it.
If it opens as text in your browser,just copy the whole thing and paste it into a plain text editor like notepad in Windows (you must also have something like that on Mac) but NOT in a Word processor and save it as an "rb" file where needed.
It's time to start using plugins anyway, I guess. Have a look at this ext5ensions index:
and even that's not complete! -
I've struggled with layers for a while having made edits to one object on a layer only to find my default layer was another layer. It was really confusing until I twigged.
Scenes seemed to hold promise. I could create a scene that only displayed the layer I wanted to tinker with. What is annoying though is that the default layer is not saved along with a scene. This means that if I'm currently working on the Ground Floor layer, say, and I switch to the scene that only shows the First Floor layer then both ground floor detail AND first floor detail are displayed until I manually change my default layer to First Floor and then hide the ground floor in the Layers dialogue.
Surely Scenes should embed your default layer or at least have an option to save it if you want to.
... or have I missed the point entirely?
This is one reason why the general advice is; never change your active layer from Layer0 to anything else. You shouldn't be drawing (primitives/raw geometry) anywhere else than Layer0.