Which Renderer Performs The Best?
Hmm... considering that you've left out a few others, Podium, POVray, Kerkythea, etc... are the two in your poll the only ones you wish to consider?
If we take 'perform' to mean getting good results quickly id go with vray (from those 2).
Id say indigo is a more rounded package, though (easier to learn, more powerful, better development etc.)
I thinks Podium is perfect if you are a beginner.
It is simple and easy to study.
I am Richen. Chinese -
You're a happy SketchyPhysics user... Find out what renderers work with SketchyPhysics.
Miguel, that list is rather short: indigo.
On viewing good renders, I personally like Vray results.
It is a bit pointless to compare these two. Vray is biased, fast and produces beautiful renders. It is probably choice of many pros. Indigo on the other hand is also very powerfull,easy to use, unbiased hence slow but free. I would say it is really unfair comparison. You would want really both for different reasons.
Physicsguy, if you want to render what I think you want to render (SketchyPhysics videos), then you should scrap both current options and try to find a renderer that:
- Does photon mapping (a biased, fast render method)
- Works with Sketchy physics
- Is affordable ($150 - $250)
Vray does not work with Sketchy Physics, as far as I know, and it's rather expensive if you're a hobbyist.
And as sepo has pointed out, Indigo does not have photon mapping, and thus animations will be grainy and/or take a very, very long time to render in any decent size.
Indigo does not have a Mac app.
so expanding that question,
which renderer is best on a Mac?
red -
Kerkythea and podium would both be good renderers to start with. 'best' is very subjective, though. Depends a lot on what you want to do, how much time youve got,how deep your wallet is, how much control you need etc.
...also how good, generous and helpful a supportive community is. Both Podium and Kerky have great communities and lots of stuff (materials etc.) are shared there.
I am with Sepo...