Is this forum for children?
C'mon, guys, don't be mean to a new member!
Sigh... You're guys like children...
BTW: I'd give away my SU Pro license (at least one of them) if I could be a child again.
Ah yes, I then edited that post. I thought it's too mean.
I can't believe no-one's used the afro smiley here yet!
I use it many times!
But we have serious "smilies" too:
Ah yeah, I almost forget.
We are all children.
Seriously I think smileys have a function as it can be hard to read the emotion just by the words in a post. For example the
Oh no, not the infamous "winkie" smiley. Some people hate it, I happen to love it. I'm a "winker"
we're all winkers here
...most of the time...
@linea said:
We are all children.
I was going to say the same thing Jon.
'We're all someone's child....'
This Smiley has no sense of humour
(all children love toilet humour)