Sketchup to modo
Bit of a guess: I suppose you can remove all of the back faces by selecting them by their mat, as they're all assigned a 'default backface material' (or something along those lines. Try this: under 'Statistics', choose 'Polygons', then 'by material', then click in the column on the far left hand side of 'default backface material'. Hit delete.
that does seem to work to an extent, if a person was careful to not paint both sides on anything in your madel; this coupled with the merge vertex trick could work quite well.
Is it possible to update the model once it's imported to Modo?
I've seen a tutorial about Modo's reference features, but don't know if it can be used as a workaround? It would be nice to use Modo's renderfeatures!
not sure what you mean by 'update' model and modo's 'referrence' features? if you could clarify i'm sure someone would know...
Well, hope this is more cleare!
If a model is imported to Modo, and textures is applied. Then the model is changed in Sketchup and it would be nice to "update" (merge) the model allready imported to Modo, so you don't have to make a total retexturing.
For archviz it's a greath feature because the model always gets adjusted during the renderprocess.I don't know the Modo reference feature in details, but maybe it could be used as described above!
That is possible with SU and Vue, you export your model and open up in Vue, then if you need to add, remove or edit geometry or texture something in SU all you do is save the model with the changes and the version open in Vue will ask you if you want to update the model. You can choose no and it becomes unique or you can opt for the update, when it changes it does it mesh for mesh so you can say yes to all changes or select the ones you want
as far as i know it doesn't have the option, but i'm a modo noob, so if someone knows otherwise please chime in. sounds like a great option though!
solo, is vue only a renderer? You might be interested in Modo 401's new drag and drop texture/lighting presets - as well as its own warehouse of prebuilt items. check it out:
That's amazing!!
I'm still tryng to scrape up spare change for Vray, now I have another need/want.
i know. the bills just pile up for all the software needs. but i'm thinking the Modo 401 might be a really tight package in terms of art needs. those material/environment/model presets are suspiciously Sketch Up like!
this video is exciting:
@solo said:
That's amazing!!
I'm still tryng to scrape up spare change for Vray, now I have another need/want.
Yeah, looks good, huh? Also check out the video on the new preview renderer. Pretty impressive stuff. Judging from the last part of your comment, I'm guessing you're not gonna lend me some cash to upgrade to 401, are ya? Dang! Money's tight everywhere, it seems.
As for updating models - this is a possible m.o.:
- build thingy in SU.
- export as obj to "SU 2 Modo" folder in convenient location. Make sure to export stuff that isn't supposed to stick together in Modo separately. Organisation is key!
- import into Modo (delete vertex maps!)
Now, say you got a door, a window, and a wall imported. And suppose you alter the door in SU. Just remove the one in Modo, re-export from SU, and re-import. It'll pop right into place.
Not a perfect method, but at least it's something.
Wow this is amazing.
really can't wait for 401. if its as good as it looks...will really make things easy. now if i was just a better designer....
@gaganraj said:
really can't wait for 401.
I know what you mean.
Lighting presets, mat presets, hdr creation, a blazing fast preview renderer - I cannot stop drooling. Looks like just the thing for me. I'm gonna try before I buy, though - best to be cautious!
That said, so far, I'm under the impression 401 will be a fantastic tool for adding detail (bevels, deformations), UV-ing, lighting, and rendering. Wee!
It really does look like the one app for all needs, how is the modeling side of things with Modo? easy to pick up?
I have been playing with Rhino, but just do not like the UI, I need to start transisioning away from SU soon as the world of 3D has moved on and the longer I wait the quicker I will be redundant due to SU now very obvious limitations and the fact that they are and probably will never be addressed.
I'm a pretty novice modeler so I can only speak to my limited skill set. But Modo feels like a lot like SU with all the cool add ons that we're all complaining about not having. Its taken me a while to understand how Subdivision modeling works, but now i'm starting to get the hang of it. you already seem to have lots of experience in that department, so i'm sure a few tutorials and you'll be up and running. Lots and lots of cool toys, sculpting, UVing, rendering all in one sleek application.
but again, i've never touched maya, max or alias, so take it with a grain of salt.
I agree with you about SU never becoming the application that many of us want. The plugins are amazing, but to keep up the level of digital imagery and design that is out there, I know I need an application that is more well rounded. the Modo community is really great, with lots of help available, lots of scripts etc.
my 2 cents. might be worth checking out.
@solo said:
It really does look like the one app for all needs, how is the modeling side of things with Modo? easy to pick up?
I have been playing with Rhino, but just do not like the UI, I need to start transisioning away from SU soon as the world of 3D has moved on and the longer I wait the quicker I will be redundant due to SU now very obvious limitations and the fact that they are and probably will never be addressed.
I'm in the same boat as Gaganraj - I'm a novice at using Modo. Yet, I am really starting to like it. I feel Luxology offers real value for the money. However, I'd say Modo's not the most intuitive or fast archviz tool out there. Therefor I plan on using it alongside of SU. (The .obj import works well, and then there's this: Basic modeling in SU, mesh refinement, UV-ing etc in Modo. Best of both worlds. I suggest you do the same.
Like you, though I am not a pro, I am starting to feel I need to expand my horizon, as it doesn't look like the Googleites will be expanding theirs. SU is at a junction right now, it seems. Either it gets an overhaul, or it dies. The Pro version, that is.
WOW!!!!! The drag and drop presets are very cool. I cannot wait for 401! I'm slowly growing my '09 software fund!
@unknownuser said:
Like you, though I am not a pro, I am starting to feel I need to expand my horizon, as it doesn't look like the Googleites will be expanding theirs. SU is at a junction right now, it seems. Either it gets an overhaul, or it dies. The Pro version, that is.
They missed quite some junctions already.
There's so much more going on besides SU now, that the old horse starts to look err... like an old horse.Modo 401 looks top
anyone else got any SU-modo stuff to share? stinkie?
modo scripts