Ruby toolbars and icons
I have finally started to explore the giant and exciting world of Ruby scripts. I am so impressed by what all of the programmers are doing. I have started to get frustrated because many of the rubys have well thought out toolbars and icons, but I don't know where to put them or how to correctly install them (especially all the .png files). Is there a filing structure, a special folder to put the toolbars and images, or is it something that each ruby is unique and looks for the toolbar or images separately? I have found alot of people do the ruby first and then they or another person makes an icon for it and uploads it to the forums, everyone else seems to know where these go but I seem to have lost that chapter in the how-to book
. I see a great use for all of these new tools but without the images the toolbars are difficult and without the toolbars I forget what I have until I use it a few times.
Hi Bob, plugins should be installed in you /plugins/ folder. Probably located at
C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 7\Plugins
Simple scripts that just have a single file with the ending type of ".rb" or ".rbs" should be saved to the plugins folder.
More advanced scripts often are zipped with lots of files together. Extract the contents of the .zip file to the plugins folder. Make sure you do this right. Often zipped files have a file structure with subfolders. Some old versions of winzip were not good with drag and dropping subfolders if I remember correctly.
Then there are the scripts that users add content - like new toolbars and icons. You'll just have to read the instructions on each one of these as they can all be different. Generally you might just overwrite the original icons with the new ones.
The forum recently made it policy to not allow users to upload their own versions of scripts w.o the author's conscent so as to reduce some confusion.
Thats a brief overview of installg plugins. I should add that each script chooses where it installs itself inside of Sketchup too. So it can be tricky to find them sometimes.
thanks chris, this confirms how complex this can be (if you don't know what you are doing!) I will reload all of the rubys and extract them to the proper location.
Thanks for the help Chris... I feel like a bit of an idiot all I had to do was check the boxes foa "all files/folders" and "use folder names" and everything extracted to the proper locations... the stupid little things will be my end!
Oh good, glag you found the tickboxes for those settings. I still haven't found them on my computer at work. I get frustrated with it there. lol Glad it helped,
Let us not forget that some add-ons require activation in Window, Preferences, Extensions and tick the checkbox if the new ruby requires it.