A Welcome Message to New SketchUcation Members
Hi Simon and welcome. Never mind saying hello a bit late - we don't notice the lack of these "manners" until you tell us!
Hi everyone,
i'm a new sketchup user since yesterday evening. I already love it, especially the tutorial and online help. However, there is something that seems basic to me but i cannot figure out how to do it.
I would like to export 2d images from my model, at each step of the modelling. I would like to take those pictures from the same camera position, but still be able to pan zoom/etc during modelling.
Is there a thing like a "save/load camera position" function?
Thanks in advance for the help. -
Hi PothiMotchi (nice name, BTW
) and welcome!
As for your "wish", go to View (menu) > Animation (at the bottom) and Add scene. By default, scenes preserve the Camera location so you can pan, orbit, whatnot - when you click on the Scene tab created this way, you will orbit back to the view you had when creating that scene.
Note that if you want to have a different view, you can orbit/pan there then
- either right click on this scene tab and "Update"
- or right click and add another scene
Also note that by creating several scenes will allow you to create an animation between them and you can even export this animation as a movie file - but let's not rush with all these things; see if it works for you first.
wow, that's magic. thanks a lot.
I thought i read in passing that exporting animation as movie files was only possible with the pro version. is that right? -
That's true for SU 5. Since SU 6 (and of course for the current 7) it's been possible with the Free version, too. They forgot to update that Users' Guide about two years ago
There are a bunch of other things that are marked as "Pro only" but are avaiable in the Free version, too, such as
- print to scale
- image export bigger than screen resolution
- the sandbox tools
- since SU 7, the Location tab under Model info in the Windows version (interestingly this was available in the Mac version before) etc.
to mention the most essential.
Hi! I have been a sketchup user for a couple of years now and consider myself an intermediate user. I am an environmental designer and use sketchup to build environments I am working on. I love Sketchup 7 - it seems like a nice improvement over 6, but one thing bugs me and I have not been able to figure this out:
How do you 'turn off' the overlapping lines where lines intersect? I want to sometimes be able to view the model without these accentuated lines and also want to be able to print or save a JPEG file without these showing up. I could not locate anything in view or in preferences.
If you know how I would love to hear.
Hi Mark (and welcome)
It's a "Style" setting. Go to Window > Styles and in the dialog In model (the little house icon), select the style you are using (by default there's just one style) > Edit tab > Edge settings.
Now when you are here, turn off extensions and endpoints (I generally turn these off as well as profiles).
If you wish, you can save this file as a template (File menu) and from Window (Sketchup on Mac) > Preferences > Templates use your custom template with these (and in fact any other kind of) settings.
@gaieus said:
Hi Mark (and welcome)
It's a "Style" setting. Go to Window > Styles and in the dialog In model (the little house icon), select the style you are using (by default there's just one style) > Edit tab > Edge settings.
Now when you are here, turn off extensions and endpoints (I generally turn these off as well as profiles).
If you wish, you can save this file as a template (File menu) and from Window (Sketchup on Mac) > Preferences > Templates use your custom template with these (and in fact any other kind of) settings.
Thank you very much Gaieus! I knew there must be someplace to do this.
Hello fellow SUsers. I'm new to these boards, but have been using SketchUp for several months now. I look forward to absorbing all your knowledges.
Hi Magnus and welcome aboard!
Hi everyone!
I start reading this forum a couple of weeks ago and I'm finding it so interesting!
I'm using sketchup since september and last week I bought Sketchup 7 pro... I like it soo much and I'm trying to do also some renderings whit Podium.Sorry for my english... I'm italian
Hello tiriki
I dont suppose you fancy posting some of your renders in the gallery? i'm a sucker for a good render
@remus said:
Hello tiriki
I dont suppose you fancy posting some of your renders in the gallery? i'm a sucker for a good render
Ok remus... I'll post my renders
I saw your blog and your renders are beautiful!
I'm still at the beginnin... -
Hi, My name is Greg
I am new to SketchUcation, but have been using SketchUp for several months (great program!)
Anyway, I found y'all from a link to the FreeScale plugin, which I definitely want to downlaod and try. However, when I go to that discussion thread, it tells me I am unauthorized to download. So, how do I get there so that I can download?
Thanks in advance.
Greg. -
Thats strange. Were you logged in when you tried to download it?
and welcome to SCF
@remus said:
Thats strange. Were you logged in when you tried to download it?
and welcome to SCF
- Yes I was logged in, and I too found it strange. Can you give me a link to the download for this plugin?
If you will contact gaieus<at>sketchucation<dot>com, he may be able to help with this matter. It is his job.
Edit: oops, sorry remus. I did not see that you have rank here. Just trying to help.
have rank, i like it
Gai is the man to talk to about permissions problems, though. He's the one who deals with the back end stuff.