Drawing Curved Feet Or Legs Tutorial
I just released Part 4 of An Intermediate Google SketchUp Tutorial. For those of you who have been following and taking these tutorials you are really going to like this one. It is actually two tutorials in one. First you learn to draw curved feet (or legs). For example, if you want to craft bracket ogee feet like these,
you may want to drawn them first in SketchUp like this.
Then you can use life size cutouts for templates.
Second, you learn to use .jpg files (or other supported image files) as templates to trace in SketchUp. You can take pictures of your favorite furniture piece and import them to SketchUp and accurately draw the piece.
These tutorials, while they have a woodworking theme, are useful for anyone wishing to learn SketchUp. There is also a beginners tutorial for those just starting out.
Check out this tutorial series at http://www.srww.com/google-sketchup.htm .
Hi Chief,
very cool!
I downloaded this 4th part and sure will take a look at the other ones also!
Question though, wouldn't it be helpfull to insert a text behind 'tutorial part 4' like 'tutorial part 4, creating feet'? -
Hi FenS,
Do you mean in the title of each part? That may be a good idea, but I don't want people to get the idea that these are stand alone tutorials. One should start with part 1 and progress through the parts in order. I'll give that some thought.