The Obama Deception - Number #1 in Google Video
Soundbites, that's all it is, some creative editing, all that you need is some Pink Floyd music, a guy shaving his eye brows to complete it.
all together now..."tear down the wall"
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
I'm not getting into any debate here, nor will say that you need to view this movie or that it is this or that. Do as you please.
I agree with Coen on this,
all I will do is quote from a man far cleverer than us:
"Condemnation without investigation is the highest form of Ignorance"
Albert Einstien
(I bet he would have solved the shadow bug by now
How long before this thread is completely GONE
I don't understand quoting Albert. I have been viewing many of the videos that are available also the facts / documents that are being produced. I have a feeling that the people denying that questions need to be answered ARE the people not doing the investigating.
I suppose many of you still accept that Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK
Thanks for putting this out there Coen.....and Tomasz for the debt videos. It's been for almost 10 years that I have been trying to speak to my friends and family about certain truths & myths that exist within this so called certainty. I stood in the freezing DC air and protested both Bush inaugurations and actively participated in many political and anti political rallies to try and spread some awareness to the masses. I donated several times to the Ron Paul campaign. However, I must say that I've always been a little weary of Alex Jones and his incitefulness and fear mongering. I have always felt like his intention is to rally everyone further towards helplessness. I think he is often sincere in his anxieties, but I find it hard to listen to him and his ranting. He so often promotes the sole idea of diametrically opposed forces doing battle among mankind in a way that I think ties into his deep seated Christian belief system. What is going on in our country and our world is not so black and white of an issue as is the notion of good and evil. One needs to wade far beyond the surface to even see a glimpse of the matrix type, smoke and mirror deception that ties mankind to their beliefs. The issue is as Buckminster Fuller said, "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." That's why I love Sketchup.
I'm not an ostrich Coen. I posted that link to a verifiable attempted military coup in the US in the 1930s. The Bush family are in this kind of thing up to their necks. It goes back even further than that to when a cabal of rich financiers and industrialists effectively hi-jacked the US economy a few decades earlier with the establishment of the Federal Reserve system...a situation which is still current...and probably unconstitutional.
But conspiracy theorists really do need to get their head around the principle of guilt by association. I'm like Pete; there are a few nuggets of important truth wrapped up in mountains of speculative garbage, not to say outright fantasy. Anyone wanting to be taken seriously has a duty to themselves not to go within a million miles of the likes of David Icke. -
@solo said:
Are we to all join the tin-foil wearing army and constantly be looking over our shoulder and scrutinising every word from every politician, never trusting anyone with more money than we have, hiding our money in our mattresses, never conforming to any law?
no, not necessarily. We should scrutinize politicians because they are supposed to be working for us. The way it's set up though (by our own faults) is that we work for them... for free... we have let ourselves become their slaves and have let the politicians become businessmen instead of representatives of the people.
@unknownuser said:
never conforming to any law?
how about we quit conforming to laws that don't even exist (ie - paying federal income tax). The easiest way to shut down the federal reserve system would be to quit giving them our money. The only reason that scam works is because everyone is suckered in. We work 4months + per year for free!!! not to mention all the other bs taxes we're paying. That is straight up slavery.
Why don't you write a nice letter to Mr N.M. Rothschild , London - Bank of England as it appears he 'owns' the Federal Reserve to a large extent.
Chart of who "owns" the Federal Reserve
At least people are finding out Who Owns What. My eyes have been opened quite a bit over that past couple of days.
Here is the second guy on the list Note the Coat of Arms on the Web Site or is it 'By Appointment to HRH QE II' I like the motto though 'Trusted heritage - Advanced thinking', bloody right there about the 'Advanced thinking'.
It would appear that while you guys over there in the US of A broke away from the British Empire, you did not break away from their control
I also imagine this 'set up' suits them better also
Here is the third bunch on the list, Brown, Shipley & Company, London based company.
Hey! I'll keep going a bit longer in the hope of finding a US of A owner. At least that way you guys might feel a little better knowing that its 'one of your own' that is screwing you
Sorry guys! No luck yet. Morgan Grenfell & Company are German owned and would appear to be crooks!
The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has today fined Morgan Grenfell & Co Limited (Morgan Grenfell), a wholly owned subsidiary of Deutsche Bank AG, 190,000 for breaching FSA Principles by failing to act in its customer's best interests and failing to manage its conflicts of interests.
Maybe better luck with the next one on the list
..... no luck on this one either. Lazard Brothers are obviously part of the good old British Establishment.
@mike lucey said:
It would appear that while you guys over there in the US of A broke away from the British Empire, you did not break away from their control
i think we did for a little while... our forefathers (namely thomas jefferson) warned us what will happen if we allow bankers to gain control over our money and exactly that has happened..
regardless, i'm pretty sure 'countries' are just a formality these days at the upper level of power.. we only have one world within our current reach and that world has nearly been conquered by a small group of people.
..... looks like Alex Brown & Son is owned by a German Bank
..... OKAY! We struck gold with this one, Brown Bros Harriman
Opppps! I quote,
'Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. (BBH) is an old and large private bank in the United States which is particularly notable because of the large number of influential American politicians and government appointees whom have worked at the company since its beginnings; e.g. W. Averell Harriman,Prescott S. Bush, Robert A. Lovett. Currently the firm has 40 partners and 4,000 staff people globally'
As Jeff says, countries are largely irrelevant. The super-rich don't have countries, just their own self interest at heart. The only time they get patriotic is when they need a bunch of dumb schmucks to go and fight a war in order to further those interests. That was true of Iraq...and if you do the research, you find it was also at least partly true of the US Revolutionary War.
I agree with you to a certain extent Alan BUT they have to base themselves in a Country that has a bit of clout, Military wise, otherwise their interests could not be protected. This is broadly saying what you point out.
@mike lucey said:
I agree with you to a certain extent Alan BUT they have to base themselves in a Country that has a bit of clout, Military wise, otherwise their interests could not be protected. This is broadly saying what you point out.
yeah, maybe that explains this:
"Of the world's top 100 economies, as based on the annual GDP, 51 are corporations,
And 47 of that 51 are US based. Wal-mart, General Motors and Exxon are more economically powerful than Saudi Arabia, Poland, Norway, South Africa, Finland, Indonesia and many othersβ¦.".
I wasn't under the impression I was compelled to answer your question, but since you insist, I did take the time out to watch the video in David Icke's website....and a total waste of time it was too. What about it?
A load of politicians uttering the phrase "New World Order" taken out of context. That phrase means something different to everybody that utters it. The plain fact is that we are already in a New World Order...we are having a G20, not a G8. Industrial and financial bases are shifting, just as they always have done. That is a New World Order.The British Empire was a New World Order. The American Empire, Pax Americanus or just plain American lifestyle influence was another. There is nothing particularly sinister about the phrase unless you are hell-bent on interpreting it that way. All other content in that video comprised various conspiracy theorists putting the worst possible spin on things in a totally speculative manner. Do you seriously think that people are going to line up to have glass vials implanted in them? Say what you like about the French, but at least they had the balls to simply dynamite speed cameras when the government tried to introduce them. What do you think they would do if it was planned to tag them like criminals?
Yes the super-rich manipulate society, cause wars for their own personal gain, influence politicians; even bring down governments. So what's new? Medici...Borgia....
It's probably just me, but I tend to get suspicious whenever someone claims to have "woken up". Because all this conspiracy stuff kinda looks like a contemporary substitute for religion to me - yet another belief system to quiet man's yearning to 'look behind the veil'. "Woken up" sounds like "saw the light" to me.