Can't export .dwg or .dxf, can't control section planes
Can you upload the file here for us to look at?
And are you really sure its crashed when it "freezes" I've never seen SU freeze. For me it either crashes and quits or it is actually still workling. Some processes take a long time. Especially if it is processing all the geometry for export. That can take it a long time. I've had models process on things for over 4 hours before (though I generally would agree that it doesn't seem like an autocad export shoudl take that long). So maybe start it running one night as you are going to bed and let it sit frozen all night and see if it doesn't work itself out.
Hi Chris and Remus and Anssi and the Forum; thanks so much for helping me figure this out. Each person's answer contributed to the solution:
If you ever have the problem I did, with controlling section plane size and exporting 2D graphics as .dwg's:
- Get rid of 3D wherehouse models. (or select all, make component, save for later)
- Simplify model to the elements targeted for the cuts and exports. (Do a SAVE AS and delete in the copy anything you don't need to cut/export)
- Do a PURGE on the layers and the Model Info.
- Choose your section cut (now with nicely framed section plane that fits model) and export .dwg, and while you're exporting, GO TO LUNCH.
- Come back with a full belly to find a beautiful ACAD section elevation waiting for you to play with. (about 2 hours later)
You guys all rock. Sketchup forums rock; life rocks.
THANKS, Anssi:
I have been through the checklist of solutions (delete wherehouse imports, search for stray geometry, etc.), and I do agree it's something in my model, but the crazy thing is I can't find it. And even stranger: I can export my model as a 3D graphic to ACAD 2007 no problem! Just not simple, lovely, 2D.
@anssi said:As I think it is better to keep the discussion here, I take the liberty to quote the PM sent to me by Nina:
@unknownuser said:
I do have the Version you mention, and I even got V.7 and tried it there. I can export section slices directly to ACAD 2007, no problem, but I'd like a plan view, etc, and while I had zero problems doing this for a year with other models in Sk.V6.4, now I can't do it at all. Maybe I should try the bugfix anyway? Any other thoughts? Could it be something in my model? Imported 2d people or plants? (that's what I took from the Wherehouse.)-- thanks! Nina
I think after all that the problem lies within your specific model. In your previous message you said that exporting a simple cube poses no difficulties. What happens if you press the "Fix problems" button in the Window>Model info>Statistics pane? Also, you might use the Purge button on the same dialog to clean away at least the unused things that accumulate when you build a model for a long time, explore options etc. You might also try deleting your Warehouse-imported components. The quality of things posted there varies quite a lot, so your problems might quite possibly stem from them. Things circulating in the internet might have all kinds of flaws - I remember a nice 3D tree that makes the shadows in SU go all willy-nilly.
In your previous post, you also note a problem with the enormous size of your section planes. A section plane is sized based on the size of the whole context, so a large one usually means that there is some stray geometry located outside of your actual model. Is the model based on an imported DWG or DXF file from a CAD application? What happens if you Zoom to Extents?
Great, glad its working. And thanks for detailing your process to help make it easier on others who come here searching for an answer to the same question,
Hi Nina and glad to see you could find the way to the forums.
Yet to tell the truth, your "workaround" to solve the export problem is a bit unusual and it shouldn't be like that IMO. Could you still share that model if you can do it in public?
Hi Gaieus;
I am happy to share the model-- in it's full form, I assume. I will upload the version I was working when all the trouble started. sorry; how might I decrease file size to manage upload: message says file too large (approx 9 MB.)thanks,
Nina -
Well, 9 Mb is indeed too much for the forum (4 Mb is the max. allowed size). You could try to compress it (into a ZIP file) or maybe upload to the 3D Warehouse (where 10 Mb is the limit) and paste the URL here...
Hi Gaeius;
Here's the model in a zip, but it doesn't have the people, plants, etc. that made it so difficult to export(?) My current model is 15 MB. It compresses to 8.5, approx. I did have another failed export last night. I set it to go and waited 6 hours, but no luck.
If you catch anything in the model, that'd be wiz-bang bounty.
I don't know... It exported for me within seconds (I was preparing a clock to see the time but by then it was over). I then re-imported it to check and could not really see any major difference (see attachd in the zip file for reference - just under the attachment limit...)
Thanks, Gaeius; I should have specified that it's 2D exports that fail. The 3D exports do come out all right for me too. Hmmmmmmm. Still a bit of a mystery.
Hi Nina,
I tried and my whole computer froze to death so much that I had to hard restart it. I wonder if it's the too much geometry for the dwg export?
%(#800080)[Hi G;
Yes, I do believe there's some mystery geometry in my specific model that causes the freeze. My workaround has been to do the SAVEAS, and then in the copied file delete, not hide, absoulutely everything that wont' appear in the 2d section cut. It's a bit of a bear, but at least I don't have to redraw in ACAD, right?
At the least, the Forum has helped me confirm that I'm not missing any basic knowledge, and the various feedbacks have led to my workaround.
much appreesh!