Very worried...
It's not uncommon in the U.S. for prisoners to be employed outside of prison. Our office oversaw a few restoration projects that employed prisoners. All this does is define the regulations for doing so on a U.S. Army base.
Daniel is correct. Some years ago I was the architect for our local County government new Work Release and Community Corrections Center. They were very similar programs, the work release being a transitional period to allow prisoners about to be released to get a job and get back into society. The Community Corrections is a program that offenders are sentenced to directly. In both programs the men and women go to work and return to the facility in the evening. These people are of the non-violent and non-threatening to the community type. In the past 15 years or so the programs have been very sucessful and only a few have walked away and none have caused any mayhem.
I think I know what worries Coen:
The document states
"This document provides policy and guidance for establishing civilian labour programs and civilian inmate prison camps in army installations"That is very worrying because under military law detainees do not have the same rights. Sounds like Camp X-Ray 2.
@linea said:
I think I know what worries Coen:
The document states
"This document provides policy and guidance for establishing civilian labour programs and civilian inmate prison camps in army installations"That is very worrying because under military law detainees do not have the same rights. Sounds like Camp X-Ray 2.
If you read and understand the document, then it is completely clear that this is referring to policy and guidance with respect to prisoners already held in federal/state/local prison facilities that are to be loaned for use in labor programs on Army installations. To infer anything else is to misunderstand the English (American) language. With all due respect, it is unfortunate how those outside the US can so misunderstand or so misrepresent what goes on in the US.
Sorry David
I didn't mean to cause offence, I've obviously misinterpreted the document.