Names in red
Theyre authors for the tutorials site that will soon be launched. Exciting stuff
I tried to get used to it: but the bold red is distracting...and, compared to the easy subtle look of the rest of the forum, kinda obnoxious. (Sorry.) How 'bout a blue font change like the rest...?
I like that purpley-blue in your sig Tom. What color is it?
I don't really see why tutorial authors need to be highlighted at all. ' Seems like a bit of vanity-stroking to me.
It's useful to know who the mods are, in case of any board issues; but beyond that you're into Superduperoompahloompahmoderator territory.
@alan fraser said:
I don't really see why tutorial authors need to be highlighted at all. ' Seems like a bit of vanity-stroking to me.
It's useful to know who the mods are, in case of any board issues; but beyond that you're into Superduperoompahloompahmoderator territory.
The man has a point. -
haha.. pretty in pink
can't really believe people are bummed out on this.
I wonder why it bothers anyone at all...
After playing around a little bit (and teasing them with pink
), they should be of a different (less striking) colour now.
I am MUCH enjoying the dimmed color. I know that I currently dominate the ruby forum with all my lame "newbie" questions, but it was painful to be reminded of that by seeing my name in bright red all over the place - like hey, look the new guy sure asks a lot of really dumb questions!
Thanks for the new subdued color,
I for one don't want my name highlighted in anyway. In other situations where that has happened to it usually meant something bad.
I prefer to stay just as inconspicuous as possible.
David -- Perhaps you need to change your avatar image (but I hope not). As Mighty Mouse you may be small but never ever inconspicuous!
@alan fraser said:
I don't really see why tutorial authors need to be highlighted at all. ' Seems like a bit of vanity-stroking to me.
It's useful to know who the mods are, in case of any board issues; but beyond that you're into Superduperoompahloompahmoderator territory.
Hey Alan,
I'd say you must be a SuperduperoompahloompahDAD to have produced at 12! Was it part of your 11 plus exam?
What can I say, Mike? Some of us just ooze potency.
Actually, I never give my correct birth details online....not unless it's absolutely necessary on a secure site. That way leads to identity theft.
Sure Alan