Report only in inch?
Hi everyone
I have experimented with dc's and did a cabinet as a dc. I did the drawing and everything in metric, also used a meztric template. SStill when I read the report, it was all in inch. Did I do something wrong or is it not posible to generate a report in metric. I ask that because I had earlier problems with exporting dxf to AutoCAD where I found everything in very strange scales. So I thought that it could be for the same reason.
I don't know the answer for sure, but I think you should be able to get it to work in metric.
Select the component and opent he Attribute Editor. Then notice there is a ruler image. On mine it is on inch by default. Make sure that is set to the right units. Does that help?
The Generate Report functionality always reports in inches. This was something we consciously decided to ease programmatic processing of those reports. If you write a program to read the CSV, you know what you're getting and can convert to whatever units you like.
If you are a Ruby API programmer (or wanted to hire one to help you), you could easily write your own reporting tool inside SU that generates whatever units you like. In this post you can download example Ruby code for generating custom DC reports:
Cheers Scott
Looks like a bit of work to do, I'll surely get back to you with more questionswhen I find the time to do it.