Components Galore!
I've come across this very time consuming problem a couple times. Maybe someone has a solution.
I've got a model with a hundred items all the same. Of course, I make the item a component. Copy, move, position, great!
Then I want to make 50 of those items one color and 50 another. Oh, dear. What should I do? How can I do a Make Unique command on 50 items? Or do I have to start all over again with 50 of them: recopy and reposition?
I hope this makes sense. A case of chocolate covered strawberries to the person with the best answer.
If I'm not mistaken if you select 50 of them Right Click -> Make unique it will make all of those 1 unique component (not 50 different unique components).
Other option would be to go into the component and paint it with the default material. Then once you're outside the component you can paint the component Red, for example, and whatever objects are Default within the component will turn to Red. That way you could use the same component but have different colors.
Oh, you're right! Rclick makes multiple unique components.
Why didn't it work before??? [sneaking away with his tail between his legs] Thanks - Joel
Yum, thanks! They were quite good although I must say they may have added a few polygons to my belly, if you catch my drift.
Another thing you can try is use the default material on faces in your component that will be of variable colour. The default colour inherits the material painted onto the 'outside' of a component. That way you can display the same component with different materials without creating additional polygons in your Sketchup model.
toxicvoxel, just to clarify, you painted the metal face inside the component and everything else on the outside. is this correct?
@xrok1 said:
toxicvoxel, just to clarify, you painted the metal face inside the component and everything else on the outside. is this correct?