What's this? - a bit of light relief!
If you have the time (not that many of us do
) have a look at the image below and see if you can answer the following:
- Is it real or a bit of artistic doodling
- If it's artistic doodling, what software was it drawn in
- if doodling what was used to render it
- if you think it's real, what is it
- if real, has it been altered in any way
Sorry there's no prizes but that of self satisfaction for the right answer
The answer next week.
It is real, not altered. It is called a Piglet Squid.
However, not all of them are that happy -
Mr potato head prototype No.1, i reckon.
Don't fret, it's nothing a bit of surgery can't remove
Isn't that Mrs. Puff, Spongebob's driving instructor?
http://images.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&rlz=1C1GGLS_enEC299EC303&q=Mrs.+Puff&btnG=Search+Images -
I'll vote for real. I think the tiny suckers on the tentacles give it away. It's a squid embryo.
It's a Piglet Squid, Helicocranchia pfefferi. See http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2009/01/friday_cephalopod_some_pig.php amongst others