Greeble Beta (Updated Feb-06-2009)
@chris fullmer said:
I like how your code consolidates it all down to just 2 lines though. I already can see all the extra fluff I have in there, so I'll clean it up.
If the forum didn't wrap the line, you would see a single line of code.
It's called a "ternary expression" since it has three parts (binary is 2 parts, ternary is 3 parts), and it is essentially just a very compact if:then:else statement.
The parts are:
(argument) ? (result_if_true) : (result_if_false)It's best for short tests, but will work for longer ones, and you can nest them:
def guessme(x=10) my_number = rand(x.to_i)+1 while (guess = ((UI.inputbox(["Guess a number between 1 and #{x} inclusive;"]))[0]).to_i) (guess == my_number) ? (UI.messagebox("You're right!");return nil) ; (return nil if UI.messagebox("Too #{(guess>my_number) ? ("high") ; ("low")}. Try again?", MB_YESNO)==7) end end
Yikes, I do not fluently read ternary expressions then. I can see sort of what its doing, but there's a lot in there I don't get. Maybe in time
Also Rick, I am getting this error:
Error; #<ArgumentError; Cannot create unit vector from zero length vector> C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/offset.rb;49;in `parallel?' C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/offset.rb;49;in `offset' C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/offset.rb;39;in `upto' C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/offset.rb;39;in `offset' C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/clf_greeble.rb;159;in `greeble' C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/clf_greeble.rb;137;in `each' C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/clf_greeble.rb;137;in `greeble' C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/clf_greeble.rb;200 C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/clf_greeble.rb;200;in `call'
I'm sure its because I'm passing bad geometry to your offset script. What do I need to check so as to not pass bad geometry to offset.rb? Thanks!
Seems works fine 6 & 7
Even for the "Tin"
XP on PC
@rickw said:
I use this:
(Sketchup.version[0,1].to_i<7) ? (view.model.start_operation "name here") ; (view.model.start_operation "name here", true) >
What happens when SketchUp reaches version 10?
Haha! Good point. But Google's backwards-compatibility policy is for 3 versions. By that time, there will be no more need for the "true" flag so it will cease to exist after version 9, and then I'm safe until SketchUp 70.0. At that point, my crystal ball gets a bit fuzzy.
But just in case I'm wrong, this is better:
@chris fullmer said:
Rick, I am getting this error:
Error; #<ArgumentError; Cannot create unit vector from zero length vector> > C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/offset.rb;49;in `parallel?' > C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/offset.rb;49;in `offset' > C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/offset.rb;39;in `upto' > C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/offset.rb;39;in `offset' > C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/clf_greeble.rb;159;in `greeble' > C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/clf_greeble.rb;137;in `each' > C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/clf_greeble.rb;137;in `greeble' > C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/clf_greeble.rb;200 > C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/clf_greeble.rb;200;in `call'
I'm sure its because I'm passing bad geometry to your offset script. What do I need to check so as to not pass bad geometry to offset.rb? Thanks!
Can you email me a sample .skp file that's causing the error?
@rickw said:
@chris fullmer said:
Rick, I am getting this error:
Error; #<ArgumentError; Cannot create unit vector from zero length vector> > > C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/offset.rb;49;in `parallel?' > > C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/offset.rb;49;in `offset' > > C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/offset.rb;39;in `upto' > > C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/offset.rb;39;in `offset' > > C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/clf_greeble.rb;159;in `greeble' > > C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/clf_greeble.rb;137;in `each' > > C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/clf_greeble.rb;137;in `greeble' > > C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/clf_greeble.rb;200 > > C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/clf_greeble.rb;200;in `call'
I'm sure its because I'm passing bad geometry to your offset script. What do I need to check so as to not pass bad geometry to offset.rb? Thanks!
I had the exact same error on one of my files. when I quit SU7. I was asked if I want to fix the error in that file. Which I did. Since then I don't get that error anymore.
FYI: new SU7 install under Vista64, the only installed plugins are what the greeble script requires. -
@tomot said:
FYI: new SU7 install under Vista64, the only installed plugins are what the greeble script requires.
Do you mean that offset.rb is installed with SU7?
@rickw said:
Do you mean that offset.rb is installed with SU7?
Yes, offset.rb is installed with SU7
However my previous post and attached picture still confirms the same greeble problem when used with SU6 operating under Vista64. Mind you there are a significant number of Plugins that maybe contributing to the problem, BTW compospraytool.rb is not installed in that plugins dir.
Bummer, there must be another script that is interefering too then. I'm wondering, do you have makefaces installed on the version 6? If not, could you install it and try it? It also uses progressbar.rb. So it should be broken too.
I might just have to releae a version that does not use progressbar I guess.
Your version is always written 0.25
you don't increase number between version? -
I've been updating it, but I tihnk I forgot to on this last update because it was a small update. I tihnk it went up to .0255 I do have .027 ready. It fixes a bug that makes the script stop after you greeble the same geometry a few times. But I fixed that and found there is still another problem that does the same thing. So I'm hoping RickW can shed some light as to how to fix the problem. Then other scripts are messing with progressbar too and causing me grief. So maybe today or tonight I'll do a big update that fixes lots of these little things.
Thanks for the reminder on the version number. i'll make sure I keep it up to date from now on
I am confident progressbar.rb is not broken. It gets used 1000's of times a day.
I remember putting in a diagnostic one time to trap a bad call to a method with a nil value. I overrode the nil class to see who was calling it. Found the error in no time flat.
I agree 100% Todd. Progressbar is not broken. Its been around forever. Tomot PM'ed me and found that he does in fact have the component spray tool installed. That is the ruby causing the problem on my end. I even posted to the Spray tool thread stating that I think its causing issues with progressbar. But no response from Didier yet. I'll test it out on these school computers that have no plugins installed. I'll put in my script, progressbar, and compo_spray.rb and see if I get the same error. But in my mind, its already solid. Component spray is interfering somehow.
If it is true, how does he go about solving it? Does he maybe have some code that is not wrapped in a module or something? Would that fix it? His script is scrambled so I can't look at it its guts.
@chris fullmer said:
Does he maybe have some code that is not wrapped in a module or something? Would that fix it?
I think Didier put the progressbar script code in his script, and modified it with a timer, so that if the script was running longer than a certain time, it would interrupt the process and put a dialog in front of the user to continue or note. Great idea. Less than stellar execution. I could extend progressbar with a callback to make this type of functionality general purpose, and then he could just call the one that works! (Ouch).
The benefit of using progressbar.rb, is that when I get around to upgrading progressbar with platform specific code, user's will have a real nice, platform correct progress bar that's not buried on the status bar. I'll make it so that the user could hit CANCEL at any time to interrupt the script.
Todd that all sounds superb! And that makes sense what happened with the sray tools and progressbar.
@unknownuser said:
I'll make it so that the user could hit CANCEL at any time to interrupt the script.
The offset problem comes down to the offset distance being exactly half a face's dimension. This creates a line rather than a face, and things go nuts at that point. Working on a fix for both sides of the issue.