We are not alone?
Check this ...also made BBC news tonight.
BBC NEWS | UK | England | Lincolnshire | UFO claim over wind farm damage
UFO researchers claim damage to a Lincolnshire wind farm turbine was caused by a mystery aircraft.
Wait ... the greys are smart enough to be able to travel a billion lightyears or so, but not smart enough to put wipers on the windshields of their crafts?
It is amazing how people can create and beleive in tales...
@sepo said:
It is amazing how people can create and believe in tales...
I believe every word of it. . . .
**Also, if you wanna talk conspiracy- - how did those Danish Guys know when to film that precise wind turbine at the precise time it was gonna blow. . .huh???? HUH??? answer me that one!!!
They obviously are in cahoots with the Aliens**
Right, aliens are crashing into wind turbines. Seems as though several hundred news outlets are spreading this superstitious bit of news.
Here's a video of a wind turbine self destructing in Denmark.
The woman that was seeing lights should probably go to an eye doctor. Seriously, that's a sign of a possible detached cornea if she's seeing flashing lights or light spots.