Totally beginner questions
I can't get some of the simplest commands to work right - like copying window/door components within the same plane, and they don't all cut through the wall. With a symmetrical building, can half be drawn and the whole entity be mirrorred? Also am getting ready to tackle topography - any tips would be appreciated.
With the window components, if you go window->components then select your window component and go to the 'edit' tab. Make sure youve got 'cut opening' ticked, otherwise it wont cut an opening Its also worth bearing in mind that cutting an opening only works on a thin wall, i.e. it has no thickness in the model.
For a symmetrical building, if you model half of it, make that half a component, make a copy of the component, scale it by -1 in an appropriate direction and then move the 2 halves together you have yourself an automatic mirroring i.e. if you edit one half the other automatically updates.
As for topography, if you go window->preferences->extensions and make sure youve got 'sandbox tools' ticked before you start. Then just have a play around with the tools and see what they do, it can be good fun.
I think the OP was referring to components cutting more than one hole by actually using 2 components within the higher one. And YES, you can. Although i hardly go to the trouble of doing it. You can just select your door and inner wall, then do an(right click-> intersect with selected) instead, but either way works.
Thanks for the info. What I meant about the components breaking the plane is this: There is a 3 story building, the window components are in at the first floor and do cut the plane correctly... when I copy them up to the next floor, they do not cut through there. If that's what your answer was for, my misunderstanding and thanks.
Oh OK, yes they can only be set up to cut one plane, AFAIK. Sorry
PS: no need to apologize
Hi Danielle,
Once a "cut through" component is placed in the model, it will always glue to (and cut through) the plane it was placed on. If the face of the two storeys are exactly on the ame plane, it should cut through there but if there is the slightest difference, it won't.