Need Someone with Solid Modeller
I've been doing some work for someone who is creating a prototype for a tiny object.
I've been using SketchUp to do the model and then going through all sorts of gyrations to get it to export to a small scale STL file that is error free for 3D printing.
Please don't point me at the new scripts, they aren't satisfactory for this tiny thing. So I need someone to take over for me with my client because this is not efficient.
Anyone out there that has experience with solid modeling and is a free lancer available during daytime?Porrfolio and rates to:
Susan dot Sorger AT
If your project isnt hugely complicated you might want to check out moi. Pretty easy to use, 30 day free trial and very good exporters (including stl.)
...and the link:
Thanks Remus, I will def have a look
Okay, I can't stand it. Guess who the client is?
Just call me a name dropper: the client is Mark Carder, the portrait artist who just completed Bush's portrait.
Neat, huh? -
Never heard of him
Crap! that rules me out for this one due to political reasons.
As Remus said,
Moi3D is indeed the kind of modeler you need for that, Rhino 3D's little but powerful brother.
It is 'Nurbs' based, which is a much more perfect way to 'describe' geometry than a polygon based modeler like sketchup.If it really needs to be technical, Solidworks would be the way to go as it basically is an engineering tool.
Solo, do you really think the painter had to be a Bush supporter in order to do the job?
It isn't a stamp of approval,just work.It isn't like agreeing to be the official state artist or his Solids modeler once removed
I was kidding, it's an awesome commission for any artist, for the recognition alone I'd do it for free.
Nope, nope. I don't have time to learn this. I just wasted hours trying to fix my SketchUp model in Moi (I exported as a 3Ds, imported to VectorWorks, which I don't really know, I have an NFR copy, and imported at a 1000 to 1 scale and then exported as an igs which I opened in Moi) and well, I got nowhere.
I don't want to start from scratch and figure out how the heck to do this in Moi,
So again I ask. any solid modelers out there who want to do this? -
@solo said:
it's an awesome commission for any artist, for the recognition alone I'd do it for free.
Interesting point, thatโs the way I lived it , been doing it all my life , but recognition never comes is big chunks , you get breaks, some when you are bone weary, others when you just need to hide for a few minutes , almost invisible, unless one is in Hollywood (probably).
One other thing I noticed is that recognition comes sooner to people that charge for their services, the more ridiculous the price the bigger the recognition.
Sorry its off topic but it caught my eye. -
@unknownuser said:
I just wasted hours trying to fix my SketchUp model in Moi
That is quasi impossible!
SU Models are "Polygons"
Moi Models are "Nurbs"! (Inverse Moi --> SU is possible directly
The only thing you can do is use this Converter By Michael Gibson but I don't believe that is a big help, depending of your original model!@unknownuser said:
This is a polygon wireframe to 3dm converter. It enables bringing polygon data (OBJ) into MoI to use as construction guides. Download the file Unzip it to some folder, and then you can run the Obj23dmWireframe.exe program. It will prompt you for the name of an OBJ file, and after that the name of a 3DM file. It will read all the polygon data from the OBJ file and convert the edges of polygons into line segments, and save those line segments to the 3DM file that you specified. You can then load that 3DM file into MoI and use those line segments to snap on to.
Thanks so much guys. I actually submitted the scale version of my model in 3 different sizes ( this is a prototype) to an online service that has an automated fix it mechanism. They were able to fix 2 of the 3 STL files. The smallest was not fixable in an automated fashion.
So I have something for this go round. But because this is just a prototype and he will be refining and adjusting the product going forward, it really makes sense to find someone who works in a solid modeler to begin with.
So the call is still open.Thanks again all. I learned a whole heap of new things here again.
There was a topic on STL files in the forums.
That pointed to Cadspan, they still offer a free plugin to create STL-files right out of SU. .
Maybe it is a solution for your problem: the plugin and/or the company itself.
I only have little experience with the plugin. I installed it only 10 days ago, because I also want to go to 3D printing right out of SU files in the near future. -
Thanks Ton, but I did mention Cadspan at the very top. It didn't work at all. I always come to this forum first when I am searching for any information and I found that. I found that the CADspan converter did some very strange things. For instance, my model is identically mirrored from the centre out to the sides and the Cadspan script treated one side very different from the other. I had rounded edges on my model it was handled adequately on one side and very poorly on the other.
The export from VectorWorks had nos such problem.
Thanks for your info on cadspan.
I must have missed you mentioning this plugin earlier. -
Hi Susan,
I do product design using both Sketchup Pro and Alibre Design Expert.
Alibre can output STL files as well as many other formats useful for computer aided design and manufacturing. I have drawn lots of small components that were 3D printed into physical models for presentation of designs for bathroom hardware--towel bars, soap dishes, etc. I have sent you an email (from "frdesigns") including some jpgs of the Alibre models.
I can give you a quote for the project if you send me some more info.
Please contact me if you think I can be of service. Best of luck with your project.
Hello Gentleman and thank you for your replies.
I think an hourly rate will probably be appropriate for this because there has been so very much back an forth on this protype.
It would appear that I have something that is printable with this go. So my client is going to see what the ouptut looks like and when he is ready to request the next round of changes he will need one of you to work with. What I have been doing has been really inefficient.
I will provide the contact info for each of you to him and he can take it from there. Thanks so much for responding.