My Works - (Completed and wip) update 02 - 24 - 09
Hello everyone, here is some of my latest images, some are for my job (working on a study of architecture) are some other jobs and some other individuals are just a hobby.
Everything is modeled in SketchUp and Kerkythea rendering (as usual) and repaired and improved with Photoshop and some other filter images.
Little by little I'm going to go up more work to complete a personal gallery where you can see the changes (if any jajaja) as we did very well with other forum members.
For now they leave these and any comments or criticism is welcome.
Greetings to all and happy 2009!
Very nice samples and work. I like the atmosphere and lighting for the outdoor renderings as well as the interior shots. The hospital bed even looks inviting (if that's possible) with the colors and lighting.
What settings do you use for the outdoor renderings in Kerkythea? I've been using just a "sun" with some of the probe presets.
Thanks Gus
I also only use the sun and a little change the color of light, instead of using a white yellow very mild, and modify the parameters of the shadows by increasing the turning radius and the option of soft shadows and then else is Photoshop , fixing the colors of the images -
Thanks, I'll be giving that a try.
try, I hope you find
Very nice...these are one of the best Kerky renders I have seen.
@sepo said:
Very nice...these are one of the best Kerky renders I have seen.
good if it is a great compliment, thank you, as there are many things that even I learned from kerkythea missing.
greetings -
Yes, it was meant as compliment.
Like the feel , almost Vray feel.
Great work rcossoli
Tanks allanx!!
...and this is a work of practice, take the first iamgen as a base and try to do something similar, both in modeling and in the light, not at all like output and not entirely happy, but things like this do serve a lot making practices in configurations of lights, reflections, textures and other things.
that looks really good. give your images slightly stronger, darker colours, and you are at the original. great stuff!
Tanks plot!
with the tone of the image I'm finding out how to improve it in photoshop, changing some things very clear in this comparison of the original -
These look great, rcossoli. On the very first image, the curve on the pool's ladder can use some more smoothing.
the theme of the ladder as it was not the amount of aunmente sides of the circle to use the basic shape is so divided, in modeling is not noticed but in rendering, with the reflexes and others if they feel a pity, what step in the same umbrella if you look good.
forgiveness for my very bad English -
Looks like you and Kerky are getting along quite nicely. Keep at it.
Great work, rcossoli ...!! Great work...!!
Keep 'em comming... -
thanks for comment, the truth that I love working with kerkythea has a great future and I think makes a great pair next to the PS, which is inevitable for a good render today, greetings to all.
great work .. God bless u