A Fun Little Game, Continued...
Granted, the toblorone chocolate bar is free, but now it is enjoying its freedom and just ran away...
I wish I wouldn't have to go to sleep right now
granted, you had to go to sleep over a half hour ago.
I wish sketchup had sculpting tools.
Granted now you cant use sketchup.
i wish my wife would let me drive her car -
Granted but now there are too many.
i wish i knew what to wish for -
Granted, but your not allowed to post in this thread.
I wish i didnt have work today.
Granted, now you have to work forever starting tommorow.
i wish i didnt get in a crash. -
Granted, but you have to wear a suit similar to that of the michelin man so you will be bounced well clear of any accident.
I wish i could have a picture of KDS in the aforementioned michelin man suit for my avatar (lots of cool points if you photoshop yourself in to a michelin man suit kevin
Granted but it will look ugly and you have to keep it forever.
i wish i had photoshop -
Granted, but responding to complaints of complexity, the new version of PhotoShop is so simple that it's basically the same thing as Paint.
I wish I didn't have to do the dishes.
Granted, you don't HAVE TO do the dishes, but eating off filthy plates over and over will be hazardous to your health.
I wish today would fly by quickly.
Granted, but every other day will also fly by.
I wish i had a huge pile of cash.
Granted but you have it in Hungarian "Pengő " which went through the biggest ever recorded hyperinflation
(one hundred million bill (read "billion") = 100 quintillion (100,000,000,000,000,000,000, or 10 on the 20 = 100 trillion) pengő.
I wish I didn' have to go back to work tomorrow.
Granted, you call in "sick" tomorrow. But, while you are away, your superiors contemplate a new hire. Hearing no objections, they hire your new director who will start on the 21st. His name is Mr. G.W. Bush. But you can call him "dubbya".
I wish Gaieus luck; he will never hear archaeology pronounced correctly again.
Granted. now you have bad luck (sorry couldnt think of anything)
Hey thats funny, bush cant pronounce nuculer right either (nor can i spell it)
i wish i didntbuy a vista when they first came out (2006-2007ish) -
Granted but now you are downgraded to Windows 3.1 and cannot use SU any more.
I wish my present boss could pronounce archaeology at all.
Granted but now you have a new boss who cant pronounce anything.
i wish i didnt wish i didnt have a glitchy vista -
Granted. You no longer have a vista. Or do you...
I wish there was a universal 3D format, which was compatible with all modeling programs.
Granted, 3d modelling has devolved in to straws and card, though.
I wish i had one more wish than a man could wish for.
Granted, but because it's more than you could wish for, you won't be able to use the wish.
I wish that this wish was more wishful than it really is.