A Fun Little Game, Continued...
granted, now you're in law school 24/8; they expect your family to chip in a few hours too.
I wish SketchUp would use UV maps, aswell as have a paint-on-surface tool, like in the higher-end programs (modo & such)
Granted but your career just changed and you no longer get to use SU... EVER!
I wish my neck would stop hurting.
Granted. . .but now you have ingrown toenails.
I wish everybody a Happy 2009.
@unknownuser said:
I wish everybody a Happy 2009.
Then don't go sunbathing because you get a... red neck.
I wish I hadn't offended you
Sunbathing? RedNeck? I don't get it?
Offended Me?
Well,I guess it didn't get through...
Anyway, just forget it (no wonder I rarely play in this game)
Well you certainly didn't offend me. . .Confused me. .. yes.
@gaieus said:
@unknownuser said:
I wish everybody a Happy 2009.
Then don't go sunbathing because you get a... red neck.
I wish I hadn't offended you
im gussing i continue from this post, even though no one was offended....
Granted, now you offended someone elce.
i wish i didnt post that
Granted, you didn't, 'cause this is all a figment of your imagination. Your dreaming. But when you wake up, you find that your really Richard Simmons, the flamboyant and annoying weight-loss guru.
I wish everyone here peace and prosperity this new year. Well, except for that guy. And him. And I never cared for that guy over there. But the rest of you guys (and gals), yeah....
Granted, but no exceptions are allowed and everyone receives your wishes for peace and prosperity.
I wish for an inexpensive source of thick leather for my workbench's vises (or perhaps for my vices).
Granted, but the leather is un-treated, and still needs to be tanned. Have fun with that
I wish that it would snow a bit more here. -
Granted... two more flakes just fell.
I wish carrots tasted like chocolate.
Granted, but now you're allergic to carrots... and chocolate.
I wish I had a free toblorone chocolate bar, which I could eat and didn't have anything that wouldn't be in a toblorone bar in it.
Granted, the toblorone chocolate bar is free, but now it is enjoying its freedom and just ran away...
I wish I wouldn't have to go to sleep right now
granted, you had to go to sleep over a half hour ago.
I wish sketchup had sculpting tools.
Granted now you cant use sketchup.
i wish my wife would let me drive her car -
Granted but now there are too many.
i wish i knew what to wish for -
Granted, but your not allowed to post in this thread.
I wish i didnt have work today.
Granted, now you have to work forever starting tommorow.
i wish i didnt get in a crash.