Thanks urgen, the west can learn so much from Russian style and sensibility
Urgen, you're doing so fantastic models !
I'd like to know how you modeled and then textured your classic handles.
Any chance to get a skippy detailing that stage by stage ? Kind of tutorial. -
Urgen, I'm not sure which to thank you for more; the link to Girabaldi painting (simply AMAZING) or the materials you've created. WOW, it's Christmas already.
hi urgen,
i saw in your video your default edit texturing imags is photoshop how can i do that? the default here is nero.
@nomeradona said:
hi urgen,
i saw in your video your default edit texturing imags is photoshop how can i do that? the default here is nero.
.......open SU-7---->window--->preferences--->applications--->choose--->select EXE.file(photoshop,ASDSee...)--->OK
thnaks urgen
.....Thank you one more time for the kind feedbacks regarding my work and my topic!…My pleasure that you are interested in that…one more time appologize for not responding right from the spot…I have rather poor knowledge of english, which makes me unable to respond myself, unless briefly when really needed,,
----------to rcossoli:
......sketchup and photoshop only....
--------- to 3eighty:
---------to Simon B:///thanks
--------- to Free Agent:
......I saw the preview of the last works of Gabriel Concha, Tom Young, Franklin A Munoz and the others. Have to mention it once again, I did not invent anything. I just work in more details upon the textures. Sketchup7 now made it easier for me(look above)…and the real money doubtedly would be earned from my models, as they are not the main subject of what I do…---------to Jean-Franco:
.......I probably should find some time and make tutorial for the topic, I’ll do my best. Furthermore Watkinsis waiting for it as well. I think it is going to be a video…---------to bellwells:
....... some offtop...I posted a link to the official page. Garibaldi:
...but it seems to me only 3 of us have some interest in it.-me, Eric and you, Ron. I think the rest do not wonder. Lets wonder further…draw, for instantce, in Jimmy Hendrix’s style…And after this clip I am always motivated to work in sketchup…And you?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xddN-ysrFlk -
Urgen, I did two or three models a long time ago using real images to texture them, but didn´t know if people were liking them so I kinda stopped there, but it was until I saw all the masterpieces you were creating that I realized not only that people really dig them, but also that they look way better than simple textured models. I´m a really big fan of your work and have been following this thread since you started it. I feel like a kid with a new toy everytime you share these great models with us. It was when I saw the great quality of YOUR work that I decided to start doing these type of components again for Form Fonts. So you were right on spot Free Agent (big fan of your renders too). Urgen, keep up the amazing work and I don´t know if you´re interested or not, but if the administration would take you into the Form Fonts team, I´d be the first to celebrate
Franklin Munoz
Form Fonts Artist -
Urgen, You are a genius. seriously. what the heck!
....Thank you, Franklin, for support and good attitude towards my work.
BTW it's ur 1st post at Sketchucation. Completing the mission of the moderators, WELCOME!!!
Your experienced opinion will help many people, who want to learn how to use Sketch-up.
...OK!..Recently I've downloaded a unique collection of sketches. I realized they can be applied in sketch-up as components. I have started doing it.But this Sylvester Night I forgot my USB at work
, so can only give you some links to see this collection. I'll show you the rest of it later. Warning you, THEY ARE NOT MINE!
A person who uploaded the sketches doesn't know who the author of the sketches is... Among the replies they mention LOOMIS, but I think it's not him, as the signatures differ.
May be somebody knows the possible author(s) of the sketches?
Excuse ,I has removed this link...
...But the question remains!
....HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!! The year is going to be hard, but let us be optimists!
Life Drawing Sunday 23: Charles Dana Gibson
Charles Dana Gibson made the first sale of his career to Life in 1886, at the age of eighteen. He was paid four dollars. He went home that ...
The artist is Charles Dana Gibson i guess.
Wonderfull work!
...Thanks for the first answer,Alberto!
... I already know it...
It's a series "Gibson girls"...Great US sketchman...Great!
Charles Dana Gibson------------
@urgen said:
....... some offtop...I posted a link to the official page. Garibaldi:
...but it seems to me only 3 of us have some interest in it.-me, Eric and you, Ron. I think the rest do not wonder. Lets wonder further…draw, for instantce, in Jimmy Hendrix’s style…And after this clip I am always motivated to work in sketchup…And you?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xddN-ysrFlkI lost track of this thread until now. Watching the video, I especially loved when he splashed the red paint. At first I wasn't sure of his purpose, but soon realized it was Jimi's headband. Thanks for the link to Girabaldi's web site.
I'm always motivated to work in SU.
the 2 blokes in the bar image is fantastic
You have no idea on how much these are enjoyed AND what you have started
@3eighty said:
You have no idea on how much these are enjoyed AND what you have started
I love these too. They also remind me of the films of Karel Zeman (does anybody remember those - live people in animation surroundings in the style of old illustrations)
thanks,i need these components
This is what the whole SU community is about... Urgen these are amazing and everyone owes you for your unbelievably generous contribution. Thanks man and keep up the great work