Color of selected entities
I am completely new to sketchup and just learning - I am confused about the select tool. All the videos and instructions say a selected entity is yellow. When I select something it is blue - same thing or am I doing something wrong?
I believe it is the same thing, when I selected something my is turning blue as well.
Welcome to SU Forums, coffeebean. You should meet Double Espresso!
Hi folks.
Up to SU 5, selected entities where yellow by default. With SU 6 and 7 they are blue by default.
In both case, yhey can be chaged to what you want by going to the Styles window. Select the small house icon to select the style in your model. Then click on the Edit tab and then choose the last icon on the right whose title is "Modeling settings". You will see six settings with small colored squares deside each one. Selected shall have a blue square. Click on it and then change it using whatever mean you like (color wheel, RGB values or whatever). If you use RGB (Red, Green, Blue), use red=255, green=255 and blue=0 to get pure yellow. When done, update the style and, if you want this choice to be more permanent, save the file as a template and point SU to it in the Preferences windows. Don't fear of breaking anything since you can have as many templates as you wish and that you can come back to blue or anything else if you want.
I prefer yellow since I cannot confuse it with blue edges if I use edges displayed using axes colors. But this is a personal choice.
Just ideas.