Similar product to AutoCAD
Sorry guys
Now I've installed it, it is a trial. However Gaieus I would say that it is totally legal, very similar to IntelliCAD. Did anybody find the price on the website? This standard version does not have the 3D tools but it is not save disabled so not totally useless, for 30 days at least.
Maybe not directly topic related, but are there people here who have experience with the Intellicad family?
Always good to look for cheaper alternatives for Autocad. -
you could alway look at autocad lite its alot cheaper than autocad
but works almost the same -
@mike d said:
you could alway look at autocad lite its alot cheaper than autocad
but works almost the sameExcept there are no programming options without buying extra software.
But if you only want an electronic drawing board it's fine. -
@holgster said:
Maybe not directly topic related, but are there people here who have experience with the Intellicad family?
Always good to look for cheaper alternatives for Autocad.I use BricsCad (utilizing Icad) and am very happy with it. BricsCad seems to be at the forefront of tweaking/fixing Icad. It's not the cheapest version of Icad, but it's probably one of the most stable.
Highest Regards,
Alan T. Hendry
Architect -
I use TurboCad 14 Deluxe, $99/US, it will import native SketchUp files. In addition, it is very similar to ACAD and will open and save 2007 ACAD files on downward to R14.
When I import a SketchUp file, I use TurboCad three point circle and arc commands to redo all the arcs and circles. Not hard to do and gives accurate results.
TurboCad will render a 3d import, however, I found it is just easier to do a rendering in SketchUp and import the image.
Be careful, there is a program from Punch call Versa Cad, and it indicates it will import SketchUp files. However, I haven't been able to get it to work.
I have SketchUp Pro 6, however, with free Google SketchUp and TurboCad 14, you have Sketchup Pro and Layout in these two program at only $99/US.
TurboCad 14 is everything I think Layout has tried to be.
I downloaded ProgeCAD- another Intellicad based Autocad clone, but it's so clunky to use, horrible stuttery/buggy interface and some annoying differences between Acad (like Z then A for Zoom Extents rather than Z then E). Combined with little or no support I gave up with it and took the plunge for AcadLT instead. I HATE Autodesk and the disgusting way they treat their customers, but at least the software is stable and does what it's supposed to (well, most of the time).
Weirdly though I've kept ProgeCAD installed as it is very good at saving various formats/versions of dwg- much better than Acad. I need this quite often as one of my clients uses an obsolete version of Microstation.
Currently Z A and Z E are working same way than AutoCAD on progeCAD Smart. I like it very much, very light, very fast and free
progeCAD Smart! is free IntelliCAD, for non commerical use only. see and select IntelliCAD Download from the home page, then the progeCAD Smart! link on the left.
"I downloaded ProgeCAD- another Intellicad based Autocad clone, but it's so clunky to use, horrible stuttery/buggy interface and some annoying differences between Acad (like Z then A for Zoom Extents rather than Z then E). Combined with little or no support I gave up with it and took the plunge for AcadLT instead"
I am having a hard time believing you actually used the product on anything more than a 386 with 128 M of memory. I have been selling progeCAD for over four years and this behavior you are describing has never happened with any of my users. and the Z for zoom, A? for extents? Since when? I think you are trying to fib.
Everyone else on this post, try it out for yourself and lets see if Jackson is fibbing. LOL. Just kidding. I am suprised you said the support is non-existent. On and on our site there is a trial version forum and new user forum respectively. Did you go to one of these and request help? For registered users there is help desk support going directly to the developers.
"I use BricsCad (utilizing Icad) and am very happy with it. BricsCad seems to be at the forefront of tweaking/fixing Icad"
The only thing about your statement that I would be wary of is what direction the rest of those in the IntelliCAD consortium are going. I remember going down the path of a proprietary vendor and feeling trapped until I was save by a group who happened to crack their drawing code making it non-proprietary... That vendor was Autodesk. I would just be wary of going to far afield of the rest of the crowd for safety sake.
"Now I've installed it, it is a trial. However Gaieus I would say that it is totally legal, very similar to IntelliCAD. Did anybody find the price on the website? This standard version does not have the 3D tools but it is not save disabled so not totally useless, for 30 days at least."
We sell a standard version for $250 USD and our Professional version which has solid modeling, import to PDF, raster image support, advanced rendering, express toolbar, block manager with 11,000 blocks, etc. etc. is $375 USD. You can also download a free 30 day full trial of progeCAD 2008 Professional at
I second that the latest ProgeCAD version is just about clunk free, some paperspace nuances take a bit of getting used to but all good.
Contrary to the post dates on this thread, this thread is actually much, much older than 2008. After a forum software switch all old threads and posts had to be manually copied and pasted into new threads, there was an announcement about it at the time as it was the only way all the SCF members' hard work and contributions could be preserved after the switch.
The Progecad version I was using at the time (prob 2005 or earlier) was clunky, the UI was very slow to respond to mouse movements (well, by slow I mean fractions of seconds) and support was definitely lacking (I seem to remember some of the help files were only in Italian and I'm not sure I ever got a reply from tech support regarding a problem I was having). I was running it on an HP zd7000, Intel Pentium 4 (2.66 GHz); 1.5Gb RAM, Nvidia FX Go5600 so I've no idea why there should be any problems.
Nevertheless, I did download a more recent version of Progecad about a year or so ago and found it's performance and UI was greatly improved, certainly putting it on par with Autocad (and especially if Progecad avoid the bloatware nightmare and Vista style tabbed interface that Autodesk have created) I'd say Progecad was a much better product for a much lower price.... no fibbing!