Let's be honest..Any DEXTER fans in the bar?
Are you refering to the cartoon where the boy has a huge laboratory in the basement and a pesky sister?
i think it's the serial killer, Dexter.
I saw a couple of episodes but I have to tell you that it was one of my worst TV experiences
I find it a guilty pleasure...even with my "site of blood" squeamish.
My wife got me watching that last season. It's a good, well written show.(In a demented sort of way) Jimmy Smits WAS a good addition. It's shaping up to be a good season finale.
@ross macintosh said:
Are you refering to the cartoon where the boy has a huge laboratory in the basement and a pesky sister?
as he said Which one?
I'm halfway thru the second series, I think its very well written and a great premise. My partner calls dexter 'the robin hood of psychopaths' (although she cant watch it.)
DEXTER The serial killer....
My wife got me hooked on the show this season. Very entertaining.
@gaieus said:
I saw a couple of episodes but I have to tell you that it was one of my worst TV experiences
same here
(btw i was asking just so other people dont ask)