Stuff Topic (Once "My Projects and W.I.P.s")
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i got a lot done on the A8 but no pics
more coming
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hey guys. i have a huge project. the house e-mail me if you want to see it.
can you post some pictures?
yeah that would defo be easier.
loving your enthusiasm by the way.
Just export image under the file limit, and post them.
@unknownuser said:
Just export image under the file limit, and post them.
you dont GET it i dont want to post it for a reason dont ask
O.k., why not just send me a private message and attach them? (click on my username, select "Send Private message")
@unknownuser said:
O.k., why not just send me a private message and attach them? (click on my username, select "Send Private message")
i will
More Posts Cmon!
what exactly are you expecting people to post?
Especially if you are not inclined to post anything we could comment on:
@kdsdesign said:
@unknownuser said:
Just export image under the file limit, and post them.
you dont GET it i dont want to post it for a reason dont ask
@gaieus said:
Especially if you are not inclined to post anything we could comment on:
@kdsdesign said:
@unknownuser said:
Just export image under the file limit, and post them.
you dont GET it i dont want to post it for a reason dont ask
Yeah ... one wonders what the use of this thread is. While I objected to Jackson's by now infamous poll some time ago, I must admit that this thread proves the J-man's point.
Jackie, Stuey ... daddy Stinkie loves you.
tis a strange one isn't it.
probably would be better not to have said anything dude.
@unknownuser said:
@kdsdesign said:
@unknownuser said:
Just export image under the file limit, and post them.
you dont GET it i dont want to post it for a reason dont ask
Yeah ... one wonders what the use of this thread is. While I objected to Jackson's by now infamous poll some time ago, I must admit that this thread proves the J-man's point.Jackie, Stuey ... daddy Stinkie loves you.
Yeah. I;m surprised this thread's got as many posts as it does. And most of them are about the thread itself. it's like a starving animal eating itself
%(#808080)[(don't ask how I came up with that comment. I don't even know