Follow Me Extrusion Problem
Hi all! This is my first time here at the forums. I am so glad that there is such a large support group for such ans AWESOME program! I have been using SU for a while and have hit a snag. I have attached two screenshots; one shows a 3d sketch that I made and the other shows the result as I extrude a circle along the path. Can anyone explain why the extrusion messes up around the radii? I have never had this happen before. I have re-modeled it with the same result
Hi and welcome (though you are not really "new" here
My first guess would be that your model is very small (in "real world" measurements)
SU has problems with creating very small faces during the extrusion or intersection. The general workaround is to scale your model up to 10 (sometimes even 100) % then do the follow me and rescale the whole thing.
Note however that the follow me tool also has some issues with following a 3D curve - namely it is likely that there will be some twist in the resulting pipe and the ends may not perfectly match.
Also, there might be some issue with very sharp turns.
Do the scaling trick first so we can verify if that was the problem and if the twist and/or the issue with the turns occur as well, we can see what to do.
Just to add to what gai said, it doesnt look like the twisting thing should be a problem with your model, as the profile looks to be a circle.
That would be all right Remus with a handrail for instance but the two ends of the pipe here are supposed to meet and no-one can predict what will happen.
Have a look at this thread for instance when the twist prevented the extrusion from meeting correctly.
@remus said:
You sure gai? i had a quick go at modelling it and couldnt see anything funny.
That's because the extrusion doesn't double back on itself. Try closing the circuit and see what happens.
Its symmetrical. The 2nd half of the path is a mirror opposite of 1st half. So all the twists and turns it takes to get to the 1/2 way point all get redone in mirror opposite on the way back. Thats why this model appears to have no twisting from one end to the other.
But try it on a model that is not symetrical and there will be wtwisting when the end comes back to the beginning.
I've attached a model that shows what I mean. Its hard to how it on screen shots, but I've mnade a few scenes in the model to show it pretty quick I think,