All in a days work...
This will be rendered in Kerky soon...
Top notch work, looking forward to the PR additions to this thread.
Amazing what you can get done in a day. -
It definitely was a long day... not the normal 8 hours! It actually took 11 hours but who's counting? Thanks gentleman... I should have the PR version sooon!
ok, Bubba I'm preloading the hate........................
11 hours isn't bad, probably only 8 actual hours though unless you can model for 11 hours without food or drink?
Nice work Bubba... to be honest with you must of the time I like more the NPR than the PR... but is just me... but excellent work for a solid 11 hours... I have a lot to learn... thanks for posting...
nice and clean..its fun to do these one day projects
i enjoy them more than the ones that drag out day after day after day with little bs changes
great work david.
Nice work David. Clean design and great camera angles. Looking forward to seeing it rendered.
Nice work.
Do you prefer the black silhouettes or white ones?
Thank you guys...
Tobobo, I dont really have a preference but if I had to choose it would probably be the black silhouettes...
Cheffey, a day like that includes a large red bull and couple of granola bars... -
And those diapers like the crazy astronaut ladies wear?
Haha... yep!
Excellent, David.
Very nice work, got to try something like this to one day
Thanks everyone! Here is the render that was done in Kerky on render preset no. 17 and was done in about 2 hours. I definitely could've let it cook longer but I get impatient sometimes...
By bubbalove at 2008-12-17