Problem about white wall that are grey
i got probs with the colour of the wall 'cause i'm not able to see it white.
even if i apply a white texture i can visualize it in grey.
where i was wrong?
tnx in advance, i forget to say that i can see white colour but only on top side of the wall and not on lateral side
Hi Piero,
This is because SketchUp will shade the faces a little bit so they look more "3D". You can control this a little from the Window (menu) > Shadow settings but cannot totally eliminate it.
White? What white? Well it all depends. If you paint your background black, your gray will turn white! It’s magic! Read some more on Adleson’s Checker Shadow Illusion.
The view will be (to my eyes) completely flat with no shading when in the shadow settings dialog you slide the dark slider to 100 and the light slider to 0 and turn "Use sun for shading" on.