** Sticky - DC Exploration Series
We were looking for a way to get people excited about making Dynamic Components (DC's), so we started a series of threads looking to the explore capabilities DC's. These posts are rather fittingly called DC Explorations. Each DC Exploration thread has a specific theme and a challenge to help you learn how to grasp the main ideas of that theme. For example, the first DC Exploration is color! The challenge posted along with that exploration is to create a DC that changes color when clicked on. There are hints provided and eventually a model is provided to look at for inspiration if you're stuck.
But even more importantly is that each topic is meant to provoke conversation about how to do things, how to get more out of DC's. How to do more with color than the original challenge. How you can you take it even further? This is where the thread gets fun, when people post something great they learned above and beyond the basic challenge, but still pertaining to the theme. So when you learn some new great color trick in a few weeks that you didn't think of when the color thread started, please come back and add it to the thread. Hopefully it will be a LOOOOOOOONG conversation about all things color related in the end.
I've been adding DC Exploration posts every couple of days, but I'm sure I'll be out of new or interesting ideas before too long. There's nothing keeping anyone else from posting a new Exploration of their own, just don't duplicate previous threads, and don't make it so specific that no one can "explore" the idea. So please check these threads out, they are very informative!
DC Exploration 1 - Color!
DC Exploration 2 - Movement! (rotation, linear)
DC Exploration #3 - Scaling and Copying