Pot and Coke!
I don't know if CG'ish is the right way to describe it. The entire image reminds me of very good commercial art illustrations that predate CG. In other words it has the feel of a high-quality airbrushed illustration - particularly the pots. And the coke bottle doesn't look much different than how Norman Rockwell would have painted it. Solo you ARE the Norman Rockwell of the GSCF!
Regards, Ross
someone got everyone's attention...haha.. yeah, these are really nice..cant put my finger on how to describe, either...definitely not 'cg'... but not totally photoreal... much better than photoreal.. definitley 'commercial art-ish'..haha.. great stuff.
Awesome Pete. Not CG, it almost looks like a gouache watercolor painting.
Nice work. The render on bottle is almost there. If you can tweak the reflectivity, the bottle will look better I think.
Love these images Pete, how did you get the anisotropic reflection in the pot bottom to rotate around the centre?
Only suggestion would be that maybe the coke bottle glass needs a little less blur... or is it a plastic bottle? How did you model it?... double-sided glass, a tiny gap, then separate cola inside? The cola looks perfect, it's making me thirsty!
for some reason i thought i'd see some particles and clipmaps in this render....
nonetheless, looks amazing Solo.
CG-ish or not, it has a warm and tactile feel about it. -
good work and style solo. Maybe consider renaming this thread though..haha
Can you give a little more insight as to the modeling and texturing of the Coke bottle? Is the liquid inside the bottle textured on an inner surface layer. I can almost perceive the meniscus on the top of the liquid....is this something you modeled in there? I'm assuming SDS for the bulk of the modeling for the coke bottle....how did you achieve the beautiful ridges in the bottle?
Amazing render and great display of what Vue can achieve, besides simply landscapes.
hey solo, just want to ask who do you fill in the coke?, did you just put a section? thanks.
keep up the nice work! -
and I always associated Vue with landscape renders (and little more than that). Solo, you proved me otherwise and my urge to get a grip on this software rises once more. didn't you want to create some tuts at some point?
the render really looks delicious. Shit, I feel like drinking a litres of coke now!